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I have such a great episode and blog for all of you today. I was talking to one of my close friends recently, and we were just reflecting on the past few years and how much things have changed.
Change Your Life Every 6 Months
And we both noticed that around every four to six months, she’s even pointed out that my life completely, completely changes. It’s like black and white.
In hindsight, it’s not ever by accident. It’s super, super intentional that I try to change my life every single year at least.
So today we are going to be diving into one of my favorite topics, how to change your life in six months.
We are almost at the end of January and let this hit you. If you don’t do anything differently in 2025, it’s going to be a repeat of 2024. And whenever I do reflection exercises with my coaching clients, we always recognize how much life can change in six months. And that’s never by accident.
So if you’re listening to this episode, it means you’re ready to change things this year. Maybe it hasn’t started yet, but we are going to make those changes and design a new chapter for yourself.
I’m also really happy to kind of look into the future and recognize that next month, my life will also completely change with the birth of my firstborn son. And I honestly have no idea what that’s going to look like, but rarely do I ever know what new life chapters are going to look like.
You can’t plan or control it all, but you can just set the intention and welcome it with open arms.
Two Kinds Of Transformation
There are two ways that you can create this kind of transformation.
Life Events
The first is big life events, so major milestones that force you into change.
For example, having a baby, quitting your job, starting a new business, getting married, moving to a different country, they shake up your routine and they force you to be a different person because you can’t be the same person doing the same things.
If your external circumstances have completely shifted, these events push you outside your comfort zone and they force you to create a new reality. for yourself. So think about all of the major milestones in your lifetime. You’re different because of it.
It forced you to adopt new routines, to meet new people, make new friends, and have a different lifestyle.
Small Habitual Changes
The second way to create a huge transformation in your life, and this is oftentimes the harder one to grasp, and that is small habits and changes. These are the subtle daily shifts. where you’re trying to be 1 percent better, intentionally 1 percent better than who you were yesterday, and they might feel insignificant.
Oftentimes they really truly feel insignificant because you really can’t tell when something is 1 percent better. It almost feels like it’s the same, but they completely transform your life over time. And this is what I want to talk about today because a lot of times, people don’t have the capacity to completely change their lives every six months.
It’s just unsustainable if you’re relying on these big events to make you a better person. We really have to dive deep into these small habits and changes that you don’t really focus on at all.
Big life events, they naturally demand new actions and a level of courage to tackle the unknown. You just kind of have to like get it done. If you have a job offer in a new country, like there’s a series of processes you must go through. Applying a new visa, finding a new apartment, getting to know new co workers. So if you have one of these coming up in 2025, trust the process and know that it’s all going to work out. Tackle it head on. Just know it’s such a great opportunity to grow and evolve.
But if you don’t have a big life event coming, you can still completely transform. Have you ever thought to yourself or reflected on the past six months or past year? And day to day, it feels like nothing is different. But then when you look back, it’s as if everything has changed. And have you ever wondered like how that comes to be?
It’s because of the 1 percent rule. It’s because you’re actually taking actions every day that add up. So do not discount how an intention, even like setting the intention to think about something every day that can create a huge, huge impact.
Common Challenges
So the common thoughts that often hold people back from transformation, the first common thought is it’s not happening fast enough.
If you’ve ever tried starting a new habit or if you’ve set a goal but you’re not seeing immediate results, it can be really frustrating, especially if you’re comparing those results to the results that you’ve gotten when you’ve had those big life events, when you see immediate transformation.
If it’s not immediate, people often get discouraged, but remember that true change takes an uprooting of your old identity and you need to go through that discomfort.
You can’t just hop from one comfort zone to another comfort zone. You need to get out of that comfort zone and create a new comfort zone for yourself. And that often takes at least six months to a year. Consistency is key and every success story you admire in your life, it’s taken years and years of effort.
Like you’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg. So keep reminding yourself, progress, not perfection and done is better than perfect. The other common thought when we are trying to be 1 percent better every day is. I might not be good enough because I’m not seeing any progress. It can be really easy to feel like you’re just not destined for this new chapter or talking yourself out of whatever progress or whatever goal you want to stay in that comfort zone, but you cannot let your thoughts ruin your progress.
Think of it like planting a seed. You plant the seed one day and you reap and so the rewards, seasons later. You need to harvest them after at least a few seasons. You don’t see the roots growing below the soil, but they are laying the foundation for that growth to break through, and you want to continue nurturing and watering it every single day.
Now let’s talk about the first step to how to change your life in six months time.
The Steps To Change Your Life In 6 Months
What Change Will Make You Happier?
The first step is knowing exactly what needs to change. So if you’re not clear on this yet, check out Episode 200 of the podcast where I talk about the wheel of life exercise. This tool breaks down every single area of your life.
Where you are rating yourself at right now and where you want to be. So the categories are money and finances, business and career, spirituality, health, romantic relationships, family and friends, personal growth, recreation, physical environment, and community. In every single one of these different areas, rate yourself on a scale of one to 10 and evaluate which one feels the most stuck or unbalanced for you.
And where do you feel a longing for growth or improvement? Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to change everything at once. We really want to gain clarity and focus on the one area. That’s going to be the domino effect that’s going to make the biggest difference in your life right now. Write it down, create that clarity and create a vision board.
Create a vision for what this area of your life could look like in six months and how it will feel. Imagine yourself thriving in this area. For example, my current focus area this year, it’s It’s all around the baby, but years ago when I was in my corporate job, my area was my online business.
I knew that if I could create a location independent business where I could make money working from anywhere, that’s going to make the biggest impact and trickle down to every other area of my life, right?
And once the business was done, then I could focus on finding my life partner and all of that. So clarify in which area you want to completely transform in the next six months.
Choose ONE Impactful Daily Habit
Once you’ve identified the area you want to work on, now you want to focus on the one daily habit that will create the most impact.
Like I always say, if you try to chase two rabbits, you’re not going to catch either one. So in anything you do, it sometimes feels so limiting to just focus on one thing every single day. But from years and years of experience, I guarantee you, That is what’s going to yield the results. You are after, after six months of focusing on one thing, there’s just no way that you’re in the same spot.
So the simpler and more automated, the better. For example, if you want to focus on your health, then commit to going to the gym every single day, or commit to cutting out alcohol entirely for six months. It could be as simple as even like drinkiffng a glass of water first thing. And who knows, maybe that motivates you to live healthier for the rest of the day.
You kind of always want to stick to something that you can follow every single day instead of just like three times a week. Because oftentimes if you have like leeway to cheat, then you. At least from my personal experience, you do so focus on something that you can do every single day. If it’s managing your finances better, you can set up recurring transfers to your savings or high yield savings or investment accounts.
The more automated. the better because you don’t have to think about it. Maybe you can start tracking your expenses with an app to become more aware of your spending or tracking your investments on a weekly basis. Focus on that habit. If you want to grow your blog or grow an area of your business let’s use the blog.
For example, you can publish two new articles, a week for the next six months. Focus on these daily habits that’s going to get you the results that you want in the area that you have established clarity on. The goal is to make this habit a no brainer. Remove any friction so it really fits seamlessly into your day.
Habits might seem small and like I said before, you might not even notice the growth. But I promise you these micro actions after six months after months and months of repetition They create the macro results If you haven’t already I highly recommend reading the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. It’s where all the magic happens small incremental changes that compound over time.
That’s what he calls the 1 percent rule So improving by just 1 percent every day It might feel insignificant at first, but when you look back six months later, you’ll see how far you’ve come. It’s truly not about perfection. It’s just about forcing yourself to show up every day until it becomes natural, until it becomes your new reality.
Every small step adds up, even on days when you feel unmotivated, you want to really change your subconscious. You don’t want to default to who you were in 2024. We are going to take the quote unquote harder route and develop new habits to make you a better person. And then lastly, we always want to reflect and adjust.
Reflect On Progress
So at the end of each week or month, take time to reflect and ask yourself, what is working? What’s not working? Do I need to adjust anything to make this easier or more effective? Most of the time, just stick with it. There’s really no adjustments to be made, but reflection is just such an essential part of growth and it ensures you’re not just going through the motions day to day, but making intentional choices along the way.
Don’t be afraid to tweak your habits if something feels off, like you don’t have to force yourself into this concrete. mold, but as long as you can see progress month after month, that is all we need. And then another pro tip that I’ve been encouraging since day one is to celebrate your wins no matter how small.
Success is not one giant step in the future, it’s small baby steps taken every single day and it really helps you focus on just the step ahead of you instead of the entire staircase. We always want to kind of like reward ourself with something that aligns as well. If you ever want to celebrate, you know, treat yourself out to a day at the spa or get your hair done or do something that makes you feel really good.
That is how we live a very fulfilling life instead of just focusing on what we have to do. Positive reinforcement builds momentum. If you want your 2025 to be radically different from 2024, the time to start is now. And a lot of times, you know, if we don’t have these massive life changing goals for ourselves.
We do want to start with daily habits. Let me know what habit you’re going to focus on for the next six months. I’d love to hear your plans. And if this episode resonated with you, don’t forget to share it with a friend who could use a little inspiration.
Take a second to leave us a rating on Spotify or review on Apple Podcasts I would be so grateful and so will all of our future listeners. I will see you guys in the next episode. Have an amazing week my loves.
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