Become Famous In Your Industry

Want to learn how to become famous in your industry? In this episode, we go through 4 steps to become famous whether your goal is to make more money, sign more clients, or gain more recognition. No matter what your definition of fame is, this episode is for you!

Tune in or read the blog version below!

I am in a very good mood right now, and to be honest, today didn’t start exactly how I wanted it to start. I woke up here in Cornwall, England. It’s been super rainy, super gloomy, and the weather has such a huge impact on my mood. And I was just having a very meh morning, but after completing my daily gratitude exercise and daily journaling, it really helped me reframe my mindset and focus on the positive and everything that is going right.

The Power of Journaling

After completing this exercise, I was just on another level and I felt really inspired to record this podcast episode for you all. If you aren’t having a great day, I definitely recommend incorporating some of these tips some kind of journaling and gratitude exercise into your day to day and I promise you over time it’s going to be the tool that shifts your day from going completely down the drain to being able to stop in the middle, catch yourself, and create a different outcome for your day.

Personally, I went from looking out the window seeing the weather being dreary again and just feeling like I didn’t want to really do anything, I just wanted to cuddle up on the couch. But instead, I was like, you know what? I’m going to do my makeup. I’m going to get changed. I have the power to make myself feel good.

I’m going to make my favorite drink. And sit down with my Passion Planner and my favorite pen. to focus on everything going right. So I gave thanks to my partner, I gave thanks to the healthy baby that I am currently growing, give thanks to my business, and just be grateful for all of the good that is in my life.

And lo and behold, I am recording this episode for all of you because I also have obviously always been just really, really thankful and grateful for each and every one of you. Coming from a place of feeling grateful for what you have.


We are now going to dive into a very very juicy topic that I know a lot of you probably have thought about at one point or another – becoming famous in your industry.

And I think it’s just such a great topic to start with focusing on what you already have because if you are, if you’re always looking for what you don’t have, as in like, fame or the number of followers or the recognition, it’s not going to come to you.

So whether you want more recognition, whether you want to become famous because you want more clients or generally the freedom that comes with building a personal brand, then today’s episode is for you.

What Does Fame Mean To You?

My first question that I want to ask, and I want you to really be honest with yourself because the answer is different for everyone.

What does becoming famous in your industry mean to you?

Do you think it will equate more income? More money? Or do you think it will equate more sales? More clients? Will it equate more recognition? Or do you want the opportunity to just be featured in media because you want to be a speaker or go to industry events?

Or do you simply want to have more people know who you are and be recognized in the streets for what you do? Identifying what exactly it is that you want from this fame is going to help us practically dive into helping you achieve that. Because fame is different for everyone, like, not everyone wants to be recognized.

Not everyone wants to be in front of magazine covers or be featured everywhere. So it really could boil down to you just wanting more clients or wanting to grow your business. But others, you know, they may really want the recognition and for people to be like, Oh my gosh, are you Danielle from the Wanderlover? Like people want that, right? And whatever it looks like for you, get really clear. On what it is that you want out of the fame

A really funny story when I was in Turkey I met up with one of my friend’s cousins and I had tagged her in one of my stories he had reposted it and one of her friends were like, oh my gosh, you met someone famous my friend was like, do you ever feel famous?

And honestly for me I replied I do not value fame and i’m never like, oh my gosh, I am famous nor do I want this You Universal or international recognition like I don’t want to be recognized I want people to treat me like a normal person and that being said I also treat other famous people Like normal people.

I don’t think there ever comes a time where after you hit a certain number of followers or you meet enough people that recognize you off the street that you’re going to identify as I am famous now. That point, I don’t think, will ever come for me just because I’m not seeking it and I don’t identify with being on different levels of fame.

But with that being said, That’s just me, right? I view it differently.

So my first step, we’re going to go through four practical steps for you to become famous in your industry, whatever that looks like for you.

Define Your Brand and Unique Selling Point

The first step I have for you is to define exactly who you are and what makes you unique. First things first, you need to have a solid understanding of who exactly you are, what you do, and what makes you stand out. Ask yourself, what is your unique selling point? What do you want to be known for? Maybe it’s your skills, your style, your perspective, your coaching framework, your research, or even your personality.

Whatever it is, identify it and make sure that it is clear to others. Make sure that that is front and center of your brand. If you’re not clear on what sets you apart, it’s going to be so difficult. It’s so much harder for others to recognize your uniqueness. And I always come back to the Instagram example because I think it just so clearly illustrates what I’m trying to say.

But if you, let’s say, go on Instagram and go through business profiles and personal accounts, so maybe you’re following lots of thought leaders in your industry are famous people in your industry versus people who are just posting for fun. They are maybe your parents or your friends who treat Instagram like a personal account.

You are going to clearly see the distinction between those who know exactly what they offer and they have a brand around it. versus those who don’t really try and they just post what’s on their mind. When I go through who I’m following, it’s so clear to me why some people are just destined to get famous and why some, no matter how much they post, they’re just not really going anywhere because they do not have this brand strategy.

So, for example, if you are a travel blogger who specializes in off the beaten path destinations, you need to say that. You need to highlight that. You need to create a whole business around it. If you are a coach who helps entrepreneurs streamline their businesses while traveling, say that and own that.

Say it front and center. Say it on every single one of your platforms. When you know exactly who you are, you can then start to build around that, start growing that, and people are going to remember you. But if you don’t have a brand, if you don’t know what sets you apart and you’re just getting more eyes onto Your feed or onto your website people aren’t going to stick around, right?

They’re not going to remember you They’re going to see you as a personal account and be like, oh, that’s that’s cool And just move on to the next profile So first and foremost define who exactly you are online and what makes you unique?

Align Your Brand Image

The second tip is to be on brand to reflect exactly who you are. So once you’ve defined your uniqueness, your next step is to make sure that your entire brand reflects who you are in every possible way. So think of your brand as an extension of yourself online. That’s always what I think of The Wanderlover as, it’s an extension of me because it’s my face front and center, it’s my coaching and my creations front and center.

So everything online that reflects your brand should be cohesive, professional, and evoke the right emotions in your audience. Ask yourself, what does your brand feel like? Are you laid back and approachable, or high energy and motivational, or super professional and luxurious? 

Everything from your website, to your social media posts, to how you speak should reflect all of that, especially if your brand is essentially your own personal brand. So a pro tip for you, if you want to create a consistent experience so that when someone comes across your content, they know you’re there. instantly that it’s you create a brand guide for yourself. Clearly define what your brand colors are, what your brand ethos is, what your brand fonts are, what kind of photos and videos are on brand for you, what kind of emotions your audience feels, and just get it all onto one guide.

You can then share this with other people you work with or for any contractors or any assistants. Everyone is on the same page when creating stuff for your brand. You want people to gravitate towards brands they instantly recognize, trust, and connect with emotionally. And so if you all are on the same page about that, then then it’s going to be so much easier for people to remember you and to follow you.

I share in the business academy, my exact brand template, and I give you tips on how to create yours step by step, how to find your own colors, find your own ethos. So if you get on the wait list for the business academy, it can be yours as well. If you look at the Wanderlover across all my platforms, so my website, my LinkedIn, even my personal Facebook, my Instagram, my podcast, our branding is more or less the same and it invokes freedom, fun, adventure, creativity, and just living a life on your terms.

If I had different branding on every platform, and if I didn’t know exactly what the Wanderlover represented, it would be messy. It wouldn’t be put together like a business. I probably would not be famous or recognized for it because over time, people aren’t going to have. Followed me every single day where you are presenting new content.

You want to make sure that it adds to your business assets instead of deterring people away. And the sooner you can do that from day one, over time, you’re going to grow. You’re not going to stay stagnant. You’re going to grow. And that’s exactly what I want for you.

Increase Your Reach

Step number three is the most important, most impactful. But it’s not going to work effectively if you don’t complete steps one and two. So number three is obviously in order to become famous. You need to reach more people. It’s time to get your name out there to as many people and as many countries as you possibly can. It’s one thing to have a great brand, but if no one knows about you, it won’t matter, right? So I’m going to give you a few ways you can increase your visibility.

Organic Content

And obviously the first that comes to mind for most people out there is organic content. Organic content on social media and just on any online platform. With organic content, this means sharing valuable, consistent content. That resonates with your audience around whatever it is that makes you unique blog posts, social media posts, podcasts, use the platforms available where your ideal clients are hanging out.

And note that I said consistent, right? It’s not just post for 30 days and expect to get famous. If this is your business and you want to become famous, you need to dedicate. Years and years to this process to creating the organic content and then growing it from there. I wish I could tell you how long this would take.

I wish that everyone that entered the organic content realm became successful and becomes famous, but there are just so many factors that I can’t control that I can’t predict for you. And the best way for you to have the highest chance of reaching fame is just to be consistent with it. Don’t get discouraged after a month or two months or even a year if you don’t see any traction.

I shared on this podcast before that it took me years in order to see my first dollar from the Wanderlover podcast. So it really has to be something you dedicate yourself to. It’s not a get rich quick scheme. It’s not a get famous overnight scheme. You need to be constantly sharing and improving.

If you want tips on how I would grow my followers if I was starting from scratch, you can check out this blog post. 

The second way to reach more people, and this is what I teach in the Business Academy, is to utilize paid advertising on Facebook, on Pinterest, on LinkedIn, on Google, wherever it is that your ideal client or your ideal audience is. Don’t be afraid to invest in ads in order to fast track your growth. And I really, really emphasize, ads fast track your growth.

Targeted campaigns really help you reach the right people quickly. Instead of relying on some kind of algorithm to connect your audience with your content, you can pay. And show your content to many, many people around the world in a fraction of the time. And the good news is once you find a winning campaign, all you have to do is double the budget or triple the budget and you can reach even more people that resonate with your stuff.

So don’t be afraid of paid advertising. If you need help setting it all up, sign up for the wait list to the Business Academy

Media Features

The third way to reach more people, and this also taps into brand recognition, is to get media features. So features in media outlets or podcasts in your industry. Guest appearances are a great way to leverage someone else’s audience.

And don’t be afraid to pitch yourself. Don’t be afraid to send out exactly why someone should feature you or what you can offer. If you don’t pitch, and if you just. rely on other people to come to you, it might take a little while longer only because if you know the publication or the podcast, it’s going to be a lot quicker for you to get on their radar if you just send an email. So use media features to your advantage.


And then last but not least, to reach more people, I also recommend collaborating with industry experts or just collaborating with other people in your industry. Partner up with other brands or entrepreneurs who share your values. This could look like joint ventures or giveaways or doing lives or just creating content together.

The more you put yourself out there and collaborate, The more people are going to recognize you over time. So getting featured in front of a wider audience will build your credibility and boost your confidence and boost your influence. This is how you’re going to get famous over time. People are going to recognize you not only for your own work, but for your work that they recognize on other people that they follow or that they admire.

Be Consistent… And Patient

Okay, and then lastly, step four is to show up consistently and be patient. So here’s the thing, becoming famous in your industry is not an overnight process. It never is, and I know that it takes time. But the key is consistency and patience. I’ve done interviews with other famous creators in the industry and they all say that They didn’t know when their first video was going to go viral.

They didn’t know when or what video or what piece of content was going to start to get more people noticing them and wanting to follow. It was this constant dedication to the journey and to the process, and over time, More and more people started recognizing them. They went from a thousand followers to 10,000 to a hundred thousand to a million.

So it is a long game show up, deliver value, and keep pushing forward even when it feels like you’re not getting traction. The best creators, you know, even throughout Covid or even through recessions, they are still creating and they are still showing up, being consistent and finding a way. So if you are regularly showing up, sharing your expertise and being authentic, people will eventually start to notice and it becomes a snowball effect.

Remember that being patient doesn’t mean sitting back and waiting for those things to happen either, right? We talked about putting in the work, trusting the process, opening up those doors and opening up those opportunities and just believing internally knowing that success and recognition and fame will come in time.
Ultimately, building a personal brand, building a business and becoming famous in your industry is a journey. And if you follow these steps and stay true to yourself, I promise you will get there. Thank you guys so much for tuning into this episode. If you enjoyed it, please let me know on instagram Please send me a DM on Instagram. I hope you all have a fantastic week. I am sending love to you all.

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Danielle Hu

Danielle Hu

Danielle Hu is a multiple 6-figure travel influencer, business coach, and Host of The Wanderlover Podcast. She has traveled to over 65+ countries running her online business and surfing in remote tropical destinations. Her mission is to help creatives and coaches achieve time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom through online entrepreneurship.

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My mission is to help you design a location-independent lifestyle through online entrepreneurship, to achieve time freedom, location freedom, financial freedom.

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