What is the Digital Nomad Society?

If you are a new or aspiring digital nomad, who wants to learn what it takes to create this lifestyle of full-time travel for yourself, then this episode is for you! The Digital Nomad Society has officially launched and we would love to welcome you in. Packed with tutorials, templates, tools, and the community you need to stay motivated and on track to becoming a digital nomad. Plus live trainings and Q&A sessions with me. Tune in to learn what’s inside and join us today!

Still figuring out how to take the leap from location-dependent work to being a Digital Nomad? Or simply looking for a likeminded community you can connect and learn with? After 5 years of full time travel, I am putting all of the knowledge I have learnt about being a digital nomad into an easily-accessible, low-cost package. Read or listen all about it below! Can’t wait to see you inside.

Prefer To Read? Here’s The Blog Version…

Why I Started The Digital Nomad Society

Hello, my loves. How are we all doing today? I am so full of energy and so full of excitement because not only is my wedding in a few weeks, but we officially launched the Digital Nomad Society for New and Aspiring Digital Nomads.

This has been a labor of love for the past few months, and I’m just so excited to finally be able to share it with all of you at the time of recording. We already have 22 members inside, woo, and my intention with this episode is to really break down what you get when you join us and explain what kind of transformation you can see in yourself as a business owner and in your lifestyle when you commit to your dreams of becoming a Digital Nomad.

I’m going to just preface this by saying the membership is only $7 a month. So everything that I say in this episode, you get immediately as soon as you sign up, you can cancel any time and I don’t ask any questions. So there is a seven day money back guarantee, but I’m just so convinced because our whole intention while creating this was to over-deliver and just give so much value. I wanted this lifestyle to be accessible to each and every one of you. It’s a one-stop shop for everything that you need to become a Digital Nomad. And I modeled all the lessons after what worked for me, going from corporate to over five years of full-time travel and what worked for all of my clients to achieve the same. And I think this passion project really hits home for me because I remember when I was working in corporate, the concept of traveling full-time seemed almost impossible, but for some reason I knew that I wanted to do it and that I could do it.

I just didn’t know how. And obviously no one around me knew how to achieve that lifestyle. But I saw other people on Instagram doing it and I was like, well, if they can do it, like there must be a way. I remember taking a day off work just to explore New York City because I was like, this is kind of like the freedom I want. I wanna be able to design my weekdays not only my weekends, but I want to design seven days a week, 365 days a year. I read other books that really expanded my mindset, and that’s why when we go over what’s inside, like I have a digital Nomad reading library, those were like the books that completely changed my perception of what is possible with my life.

So my thoughts started changing, my actions started changing, and over time, as I met other digital nomads on my travels, what I noticed was not all digital nomads and not all businesses were created equal. Like some people, they quit their jobs and they were just living off their savings. So they had a deadline. They were like, I can only travel for X amount of months before my money runs out and I have to go back to corporate. I’ve also met people who were working for another company, but remotely, so they had like a tech job and had to work Pacific hours or London hours, and they had meetings scheduled that weren’t always conducive depending on which time zone we were in.

Like one of my friends in Hawaii was working on Eastern hours and it was just like a crazy schedule for him. But yeah, I’ve met people who are able to travel, but they’re still kind of limited by their employers. And I’ve also met other people who work for MLMs. That is one strategy I do not support at all. It’s just epically and morally wrong in my opinion. But what has worked for me and all of my clients and what I teach people to do is to start their own online business, create a brand for yourself, introduce online offers, digital products, digital services. This membership for instance, right?

The possibilities are endless. And once you commit to being an entrepreneur, you are essentially able to bring your business with you wherever. This is what I’ve been doing for the past five years. This is what I’ve helped my clients do. And in the digital Nomad society, you’re going to learn how to create this lifestyle for yourself. Once I learned the basics of traveling full-time and bringing in income online, it’s truly, truly sustainable. It’s not daunting. And one of the main things that you’re going to learn is that it’s not aspirational. It’s not a lofty dream that you can only achieve If. You come from Wealth or you have rich parents. It’s truly something that you can create for yourself. 

What Is Included In The Digital Nomad Society

So I’m gonna go through what exactly is included. So you can see how after some time in this membership, you’re really going to see the wheels start to turn on your digital Nomad vision. So when you enroll, you get access to the membership portal, and here you have nine bite-sized lessons in the lessons. I’ve broken them down into three phases:


In ‘Learn’ you learn exactly what it means to become a digital Nomad. What systems you must have in place, you learn about taxes and visas. I give you resources, but basically you learn the ecosystem of this whole lifestyle so that there’s no confusion. 

I give you average monthly expenses that you can expect to spend in certain destinations or digital Nomad hubs around the world so you can really start piecing it together and learning how this lifestyle can apply to you. 


In the next three lessons, we plan out your exact digital Nomad vision and an action plan. So when are you going to set off on this adventure for yourself? Are you going to sell all your belongings? Are you just gonna try it for a few months? Right? We customize it based on what aligns with you and what you feel the most passionate about, because there’s so many different ways to become a digital Nomad.

You can relocate for a year at a time. You can relocate for six months or one month at a time. It’s gonna look different for everyone, but I give you the tools to reflect and see what you want for yourself as well as establish a timeline for when it’s all going to happen. 


In go, this is where you put everything into motion. We have your business up and running online. You decide which industry, which niche you want to be a part of, and we follow that action plan, we execute on it. I expect you to book flights. I show you how to book Airbnbs, and you get to connect with other members who are on the same path as you, whether they are seasoned digital nomads or just starting out, or maybe this is just something that they’re interested in. You get to meet them all. 

What I love about this membership especially is I connect with each and every one of you. We have calls every other week where you can meet other members, ask me questions directly, and I’m gonna continuously update the membership portal with new trainings, with new lessons as I get questions.

Early Bird Bonus

Because this is still like the first week that we are live, I am giving out my letter of resignation template. So the exact one, I used to quit my corporate job back in 2017. I gave it to my finance manager and I was like, I am so sorry, but here it is, and I am leaving on July 11th, 2017, and that’s when it all started for me.

So I can’t wait for you to look at it for yourself and decide, Ooh, is this something I want to use in the near future? It’s really exciting, and I love when my members messaged me like, oh, oh my God, I just quit my job. I feel so relieved because it was just such a toxic position. And yeah, basically starting new chapters is what we are all about.

Other Included Tools & Resources

On top of the lessons. I’ve also included really cool tools and resources at you can use and just have under your belt as you embark on this journey. They include a database of coworking spaces around the world from personal experience. And what I envision to be is our members will also include their feedback about ones that they’ve personally visited. Coworking spaces have been essential in finding community in new locations, meeting new friends, going to networking events. And so having ones that have been tried and tested at your disposal, it’s just so beneficial for you.

I’ve also included a Digital Nomad vision board and action plan. These are templates for you to literally copy and paste and create them for yourself. A reading library, my work life balance time tracker to make sure your work and your adventures feel balanced. A digital Nomad checklist, your personal roadmap to your first $5,000 online, a one page business plan, pros and cons of top tens, digital Nomad destinations, list of 101 online businesses. You can start an income and expense tracker, a scale at business journal, and all of this is on top of all of the lessons that you get. And like I mentioned before, you can get started for just $7. So all of this is going to be immediately available to you. 

Joining Early Means More Resources Customized To YOU!

What I think is really cool and what is a really unique opportunity for you as a founding member is the opportunity to co-create and co-design the future of this membership together, because I want to make it the most helpful and transformational. So if you’re just starting out your online business journey or you just planted the seed of wanting to become a digital Nomad, everything that could possibly help you achieve it for yourself, I want in this membership.

So obviously there are going to be things I haven’t thought of or questions that members haven’t asked yet, and If you join, you really get the full platform to yourself because I’m going to be helping you individually achieve this lifestyle for yourself. We have success case stories in there as well, including my fiance slash future husband who came from a construction background and now has been traveling for over three years. And I really think seeing other people just a few steps ahead of you, really inspires you to make the change for yourself because truly like who you hang out with is who you become.

So I just want to gather all of the aspiring digital nomads on the internet and show you the way, show you how exactly it’s done. Because once you are on this path, there’s really no going back. Like I have never wanted to go back to my corporate job, and I just am so much happier. Like my life is in so much more alignment. I get to work with the most incredible people. I have an amazing brand and I love it. So I want you to honestly experience the same by giving you all of the tools at a really accessible price.

So if you are interested in becoming a founding member, just sign up this week and I will send you my letter of resignation template. We have our welcome kickoff call on Friday, so I hope to see you there. But yes, it’s only $7 a month. And if you have any questions, just dm me. I hope to see you inside and I will speak to all of you soon. Have a fantastic week!

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Danielle Hu

Danielle Hu

Danielle Hu is a multiple 6-figure travel influencer, business coach, and Founder of The Wanderlover. She has traveled to over 65+ countries running her online business and surfing in remote tropical destinations. Her mission is to help creatives and coaches achieve time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom through online entrepreneurship.

the digital nomad society

Join the success club for new and aspiring  Digital Nomads

The Digital Nomad Society

Join the success club for new and aspiring  Digital Nomads

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Hi, I’m Danielle

My mission is to help you design a location-independent lifestyle through online entrepreneurship, to achieve time freedom, location freedom, financial freedom.

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