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I am back in New York and I just finished an amazing four day Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins seminar, live from New Jersey, and I am buzzing with so many downloads, so many takeaways that I can’t wait to share with you all.
I’ve shared a bit on my stories and I’ve gotten a lot of questions. Many of you listening either have heard of Tony Robbins or have followed him for a while.
He is more or less the OG life coach. He’s been in this industry for almost 50 years. He has a huge, huge following. Some people might even call it a cult following.
So in this episode, I’m going to dive into my takeaways, an honest review of the experience. And if you are thinking about it, if you maybe want to check it out for yourself, it is completely up to you.
I hope that this episode will help you make that decision in a more empowered and informed way.
What is Unleash The Power Within?
So a little overview about the Unleash the Power Within (UPW) event. This is actually one of Tony’s lowest ticket offers. He appeals to the masses.
He runs them live and virtually. So you can buy a virtual ticket or you can attend in person. And he hosts these, I believe once or twice a year around the world.
The last time was in Germany and this time was in New Jersey, which was too close to where I was heading.
I was in England going back to New York, and I was like, it’s literally right there. It’s the dates I’m going be flying back
So it was almost a sign that I must go but you can attend virtually, and he does have many other offers. I believe he has almost Like he has over a hundred businesses by under his Tony Robbins corporation.
He has Unleash the Power Within, he has a business mastery event, he has Date with Destiny. He owns resorts in Fiji and hosts masterminds there. He has many higher ticket offers.
But for those of you who are kind of stuck skeptical who don’t know exactly what he’s about, this will probably be your entry point to see if you resonate with his teachings live or virtually.
I will say he also has books that you can buy. He has a free podcast. So he has a lot of resources out there.
If you don’t want to commit to a full book. event. But for those of you who do want to immerse yourself, the event itself was at Prudential Center, which is where the New Jersey Devils play. It is a huge arena.
There were 12,000 people live in this arena and 7,000 virtually. So 7,000 people around the world bought the virtual ticket. And so a total of 19,000 people attended this four day live event.
If you attend live, you don’t get any replays. So you really have to be committed for the full. four days to get the most out of it.
With that being said, I will include this disclaimer that I attended 24 weeks pregnant. I wasn’t feeling too bad, but it is a really intense four days, so I personally didn’t fully commit to every single day because after the first day, I’ll go day by day what we did, but after the first day, which apparently ended at 3AM and I had like a 40 minute drive home, I couldn’t make it.
And the firewalk where you physically walk on hot burning coals, that was day one and people started at midnight. I couldn’t make it that long, I was so tired, and so I drove home before the firewalk started.
So I wasn’t fully committed to the full four days I left early every single day because I was just either so tired or I had
After day three, I had another event in the city but by day four it is so intense and there’s so much energy and you’re like networking and talking to people and fully, you know, being immersed in all of this energy, I was drained by day four.
If I wasn’t pregnant, I probably could have made it. I probably would have powered through, but I just didn’t feel like driving myself to that point of fatigue.
So that was a personal decision that I made, but otherwise attending this event, 12,000 people in person and every single person in there is committed to being a better version of themselves or investing in their lives and being a happier, more productive, more better partner, like whatever it is they went in there to achieve, they fully committed to it.
That’s what I admire about this event. If you are into personal development and self growth, you are surrounded by your people of all different nationalities.
I believe he said more than 110 countries were represented, different walks of life, different career paths. So many people from all over the world come together to experience this together.
And some multiple times, like they’ve been coming for 20, 30 years. So it’s really a group like no other. And if you resonate with Tony’s teaching, this is where you definitely should be.
My Early Thoughts On Tony Robbins
I was first introduced to Tony Robbins by my ex boyfriend 10 years ago, and I was a full skeptic. For 10 years, like even going to this event, I had my doubts because my ex boyfriend was really into personal development and he followed Tony like a cult leader.
That’s maybe judgmental of me, but I just really didn’t see the appeal of the guy, and I didn’t resonate with any of his teachings.
I remember my ex used to quote him and tell me about what this guy said, and I was like, who are all these brainwashed people who spend hundreds of and thousands of dollars to learn from this guy?
I would rather use the money on travel or whatever. Like I always had an excuse.
Bear in mind that I was 21 at the time. So that was the mindset that I had when I, whenever I heard the name Tony Robbins.
Over the years, I swear, you can’t escape this guy. He is everywhere. He has an amazing marketing team.
He has so many businesses and his impact is truly profound in this world. So he would come up and I would just be more exposed to him. I would learn about more friends and mentors and colleagues who either attended his event or in one way, shape, or form followed his teachings. And so I was just more and more exposed to Tony Robbins.
Of course, after becoming an entrepreneur, quitting my corporate job, starting content creation, living life on my own terms, then navigating into the coaching world.
Ultimately I understood, I finally understood, and recognize that what he was teaching for all of these years, it had value. It had power and the way he teaches impacts so many people and empowers them to be better versions of themselves.
Keep in mind, he’s not a business coach. Like he will help you with your business, but, you meet people from all walks of life. People are there to become a better partner, or a better father, or a better business owner, or to contribute back to society, to become a better employee, or a better boss.
Whatever it is, it applies. And he gets all of these people into one room, which is amazing. And so I was skeptical for 10 years, finally pulled the trigger because I was like, this timing is just so aligned.
I’m going to be back in New York. He hasn’t had an event in New York for, I believe, like multiple years.
And so I purchased the lowest tier ticket, which is access to the four day event in person. Up on the bleachers in a, in an arena. So you have like the top seats and it was $895. You could sit closer to him and I believe the packages, like it goes up to $5,000 for the event. And you could also book like annual packages to attend all of his events.
And that goes upwards of like a hundred thousand dollars. I was just kind of dipping my toes in. So personally I didn’t see the value in sitting closer, and so I was like, I’m just gonna attend. Give it my all while I am there.
Day 1 – Breakthroughs
I will say going into day one and day one is all about breakthroughs, I was still kind of skeptical.
I had a resting bitch face on my face for most of the day. I was kind of trying to like, poke holes at his I don’t even know why I was doing this, but I just felt like It served me better and I was like in this mood where I just wanted to see what he was about and maybe like find something wrong with him.
And after the first day, you get this workbook, you get his newest book, and you find a seat, you talk to the people around you, you meet amazing people.
At the end of the day, after he had talked for 12 hours, he was on stage for 12 hours straight. I was still in the mindset where I was trying to find something wrong with his teachings after taking pages and pages of notes.
And I realized at that point, my skepticism isn’t serving anyone. Like it’s not beneficial for me at all. And I wasn’t being fully authentic with the people I was meeting or talking to.
My energy was on a different level and it really made me question is my skepticism serving me? Like is this shield of protection that I for some reason thought I needed or this shell that I built for myself.
Who is that helping? Tony Robbins has helped millions of people. And here I am in his live event, still trying to find something wrong with him.
And this brought me back to my podcast episode about levels of confidence, because I was skeptical and I was trying to prove the wrong thing. This reminds me of also being one foot in and one foot out whenever you are committing to something in your life, whether it’s starting your online business, you have this idea and then you’re like, oh, but I’m so comfortable in my current comfort zone and maybe I don’t want this.
And you’re like talking yourself back and forth, back and forth. That’s what I was doing.
And I realized the only person I’m hurting is myself by not committing 110% So my first takeaway from day one is, are you one foot in and one foot out? You get out of life and you get out of every experience what you put in.
So it was time for me to catch myself in my own kind of like, I wasn’t walking the talk. I was really hesitating and not committing. And it really affected how I approached and how I digested all of the downloads that came to me day one.
It’s also so fitting that day one was all about breakthroughs. I’m not going to go into detail what we covered day to day because I personally don’t think I can do it justice.
He is the expert and I probably will butcher whatever teachings as it comes from his mouth better, but I will tell you my takeaways and how I approached it.
Everyone gets a different experience. Everyone has different tidbits that will resonate with your life that will help you get to the next level. So bear in mind that this is my personal experience.
And from day one after, you know, not even staying for the full 15 hours or however long he was on stage for, I left early.
Day one, I missed the firewalk, but I still felt like it had such an impactful effect on my life because I was so caught up in my own bullshit. And I feel like a lot of us are too we don’t really assess what we are doing wrong.
We kind of just like, see, try to see what other people are doing wrong. And the whole point is you need to be in that peak state. You need to be at a point where you’re just so focused on yourself, on your mindset, on your personal growth, and you can’t let anyone else or your inner mean girl or anything else distract you from that state of being.
Believe me when I say I took pages and pages and pages of notes for every single day while I was there. So actually let me go through kind of what the setup was and then I’ll group all of my remaining takeaways at the end.
Day 2 – Momentum
So day two is momentum and that is where you kind of take your breakthroughs from day one and capitalizing on all of the actions that you can take to close the gap.
This is also where we identified exactly what area of your life could there be improvements in and how will you make those improvements? What will you do differently?
Every single day there was just so much energy and I honestly cannot express to you like the power of being surrounded by that energy because you are operating from a different state.
You’re not thinking about, oh, woe is me. These are all of the things that are happening in my life right now. You’re not blaming, you’re not complaining.
You are at a different state because there’s really no way else about it, you’re on another level. And so when you do all of these exercises, you’re thinking from your higher self, which I absolutely loved.
Day two was also when we covered one of my favorite exercises, the Wheel of Life. I have a podcast episode about this. He groups his life segments in kind of like different categories. I’ll read them to you.
It’s physical body, emotions, and meaning relationships, time, work, career, mission. finances, celebrate, and contribute.
And so you are really mapping out where you want to go, but at the same time, you are also being very honest with yourself as to where you are right now.
A map can only guide you to where you want to go if you know your precise starting point. So in all of those categories, what has gotten you to the number that you are at now?
It’s not external factors. It’s all within you. This really helped me because my intention with going into this event was to get more clarity as to what my next level of motherhood, full time travel and entrepreneurship looks like (check out entrepreneur and mother, Kelly Hill’s story here). It’s kind of like this uncertain future in my life. And I just wanted to clearly define out what has gotten me to the point now and what do I want to invite more of in this lifetime?
Of course, you’re going to have a different answer if you go and go through this exercise. Every single person around me had different reasons. So what you focus on is what you can change.
Day 3 – Transformation
Day three is all about transformation. I left early day three, and unfortunately I missed a Pitbull concert. He had a surprise guest and it was Pitbull.
I heard from so many people who say that it was just amazing. You got like a free concert. I swear Tony Robbins has like the most insane network of colleagues and friends, ranging from presidents to investors to artists to NBA stars, like lots of athletes.
It’s just really cool how many people follow what he teaches. And days two through four, there were also many, many amazing speakers.
Day 4 – Vitality
On the last day, my favorite speaker was the founder of It Cosmetics. Her name is Jamie Kern Lima, and she sold her cosmetic brand to L’Oreal for $1.2 billion.
Her story and everyone’s story was just so, so inspiring. We also heard from Dan Graziosi, who is another investor and mentor and father of four beautiful kids, different people starting from nothing, like starting from their businesses from scratch and living life to the fullest.
You also get so many ideas of how you can incorporate things that they’ve learned into your own life.
Main Takeaways
So now let’s go through my takeaways from this event and how I will implement what I learned going forward into this new era of motherhood, entrepreneurship and full time travel.
Mindset Matters (A Lot)
It all starts with your state of mind. The power to operate at a different level, it’s always inside of you. You don’t need to wait for a spark.
You don’t need to wait until you’re international or traveling. You can operate from the next level right now, like in your seat or in your bed or wherever you are.
You don’t have to feed into repetitive habits like maybe complaining or focusing on what’s wrong or focusing on what’s missing in your life, you can always be grateful and they give you the tools to kind of snap out of it in an instant and come back to center and be grateful and vibrate from a higher frequency.
That is something amazing because I feel like so often we kind of just go about our day to days with disempowering thoughts, with disempowering emotions.
And I really think back to being surrounded by all those people who are in their peak state because we’re sitting in our bleachers like In our seats one second and the next second you’re like jumping around screaming at the top of your lungs I also like kind of lost my voice and got a little sick.
So that just shows you know how much energy is within you at any given point and it doesn’t have to be in a special location.
You can do it anywhere like from a seat and just focusing on that it will yield different results in your life.
I firmly believe it because I know your thoughts influence your feelings, which influence your actions, which influence your results.
If you’re thinking different thoughts and taking different actions, you’re going to get a different reality.
Know Your Starting Point
The next takeaway I touched on this before, if you know where you want to go is what I’ve always said, but the piece that was missing is you must know your starting point. You must know where you are right now.
It could be super idealistic that you want this and that and whatever it is in your life. But if you’re at like a solid three in all areas, realistically, you’re not going to get to a 10 in the next week, you really have to assess what has gotten you to a 3 and what actions will take you to a 10.
So most likely it’s going to be completely different actions. And I’m not saying you can’t get to it in a week, but be honest with yourself. Do you even want to get to a 10 in the next year?
One thing I loved is they give you permission to just say, It’s increased by like one or two points. It doesn’t have to be this perfect wheel of 10 in your relationships.
You could be at a four and your ideal for 2025 could be a six, right? It’s a lifetime of improvement. It’s not like you need to be perfect in the first week or else you’re a failure.
Giving yourself that grace and not feeling like you need to have it all immediately. That was such a powerful takeaway.
If You’re Not Doing It, You Don’t Know It. You Simply Understand It
I also have in my notes, and I keep repeating this to myself, that if you’re not doing it, you don’t know it. You simply understand it.
I’ve been guilty of this after maybe like reading a book, you’re like, oh, I already know all of this. Or even like after attending day one of the seminar, I’m like, oh, I already know all of what he’s saying.
But the thing is, I didn’t, I only understood it because I wasn’t. applying it to my own life and actually living it out. So this reminded me of, you know, people who say that, Oh yeah, I know how to surf even without like ever trying, or maybe going on a surfboard once they’re like, I know how to surf.
And I’m like, you understand how to surf. Like you theoretically understand how to get barreled or catch a wave, but until you practice and know what goes into it, you don’t actually know it.
And I can say this from a point where I know how to surf. I’ve committed to it. I know how to grow a business. I know how to make tens of thousands of dollars in a month. I’ve done it. And I know it, I’ve read the books and I’ve implemented it. And I’ve proved it to myself.
Other people could be like, I know how to become a millionaire, but I’m just not doing X, Y, and Z. And it’s like, no, you understand it, but you actually don’t know it.
So if you don’t know something, if you’re not applying it, take inventory and be like, is it serving me to just read about it and not take action? Or do I actually want to implement it and see for myself what I get out of this experience from day two onwards?
That’s the mindset I took. I met so many more people because I didn’t have my like resting bitch face on I was able to help a lot of people and also be open to help so I got lots of great feedback encouragement and the energy was just different when you fully commit to something and when you realize that you don’t know it all if you knew it all you would have a perfect life.
And I don’t think anyone has a perfect life. So it doesn’t serve you at all to think that you know it all. And then the last takeaway I have is everyone gets out of experiences something different.
People enter the Digital Nomad Society or join my coaching programs and everyone gts gets a different outcome that is aligned with their life.
So I’ve met so many people who have attended UPW multiple times, and every single time they get different downloads, or they resonate with one speaker more than the other, or something that Tony says will just apply to what you’re going through in that moment.
I don’t think my experience can speak for all of you listening, but I do hope that you recognize when you are in a state where you’re open and humble enough to know that there is something that you can improve on. You will get something out of it. You need to be in that state of mind.
Is It Worth The Money?
I’m going to end with two really common questions that I’ve been getting. Number one is, do I think it’s worth the money?
Honestly, next time I’m probably gonna pay more and sit closer to the stage because the energy is truly different when you’re down on ground level.
Seeing Tony up front and all the speakers and just being so immersed. And so I would say definitely, yes, it was worth the money, even though I was so tired and didn’t fully participate, but you get out of it what you put it, right?
So if you are at a stage where you want to live a better life, like it will be worth the money.
Would I Go Again?
Hell yes. I think it’s worth it. Personal development and self growth is a never ending journey. It is the most fulfilling thing, the best thing you can invest in yourself for. It will lead you to a happier, more fulfilled life.
Personally, I think because for the past many years I’ve been on this journey of personal development, self growth, I haven’t really felt like anything huge is missing.
I’ve felt empowered to make changes in every area of my life where I do have questions or concerns about. It’s almost like preventing myself from getting to a point where I’m like, what am I doing with my life? Or I hate my career. Or I, a lot of problems I just can’t resonate with because I’ve designed my business exactly the way I want to live my life.
I’ve designed future business plans in accordance with like different eras. I attended this event to gain clarity on what motherhood looks like for me. And I am very clear what that looks like for me. I am in an amazing marriage with the love of my life.
Investing in yourself and taking time to really define what the future looks like for you.
I don’t think you’ll ever regret it. And I know that. In my future, there’s going to be so many more things that I’m going to want to learn and be a better person in.
So would I do it again? That is a hell yes.
I hope this episode was helpful. Please bear in mind, you know, I would say a new Tony follower, and that is my point of view on what I got out of the event.
If you have any questions, I am always one DM away at @thewanderlover. And if you enjoyed this episode, it would mean a lot if you could go on Apple or Spotify and leave us a review. Have an amazing week, my loves. I will see you in the next episode!
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