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Hello, my lovelies from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where I’m going to be based for the next few months.
As you guys may know, I am having a baby here in February. And as 2024 comes to a close, I just want to reflect on what a year, what a journey it has been1
We just finished our end of year Digital Nomad Society and Wanderlover Business Academy coaching calls. Every single member has made so many such huge transformations in their lives and businesses.
I want to go through the same exercise with all of you listening, because as I always say, a map only works if you know exactly where you want to go.
In this episode, I’m going to be asking you questions for 2025 and exercises for you to go through to goal map and vision board the new year!
Reflection Exercise
Before we start looking forward, through let’s first reflect on how this year has been personally, financially, spiritually, mentally, and really reflect on how far you’ve come.
Where were you January 1st of 2024? And where are you now? December of 2024.
In our coaching calls, I asked every single member, what was your point A? And what was your biggest transformation getting you to point B?
My Biggest 2024 Transformation
Personally, I will openly share that January of 2024, I was going through a miscarriage and it was one of the lowest of lows. I really started off the year not knowing how it was going to play out because I had all of these plans.
However, going from that to now December of 2024, I am 30 weeks pregnant. I am in another country living on the beach and just feeling so excited for this new chapter. That is where I personally felt like I grew the most.
You can’t have a rainbow without any rain. And I really needed to go through that period of introspection, of reflection of learning about nutrition and my body and getting myself to that state and starting this new chapter in divine timing.
Celebrate All Your Wins
So ask yourself, because I know I tend to attract a community of overachievers and we’re always just focusing on what we have to do.
Take the next few minutes and pause reading this if needed and just reflect on how far you’ve come, reflect on all of your achievements, all of your successes and wins.
And if you wanted to, you can even create a note on your phone to refer back to when you’re in a little rut or when you’re feeling discouraged and unmotivated.
We want to highlight how much has changed and how much has shifted because oftentimes we don’t give ourselves enough credit at all.
We’re always just focusing on these moving goalposts and beating ourselves up over how much more we have to do, or maybe comparing ourselves to other people when in fact we should be the only people we’re comparing ourselves to who we were yesterday, who we were a few months ago, and who we were at the beginning of the year.
The intention of this exercise is to bring us to that peak state bring us to a place where we’re not self doubting when we’re not In a rut, and we feel really excited about all of the opportunity that the future has in store for us.
In order to do that, we need to be proud of ourselves. We need to be our biggest advocates. We cannot be goal mapping and vision boarding from a place of scarcity and from a place of doubt.
So once you are crystal clear about all of your achievements and how awesome you are in life, in your business, then we can move ahead with the next step.
Goal Mapping The New Year
I’m going to be using my Passion Planner, which I recommend to all of my students and clients. This is my life coach in a journal that I’ve been using for the past nine years since I’ve been working in corporate, and it has helped me plan every year so that I’ve achieved things like quit my corporate job, start my online business (read the start of my story here), make passive income, live in different countries, get engaged, get married, and now start a family.
And I have my ninth one in front of me. If you want one for yourself in time for the new year, there is still time to grab yours. They have undated ones, so you could technically just order later, but I always love having one for the new year that is dated.
I love my end of year ritual where I start a new Passion Planner for the new year!
Create Your Wishlist
So I’m going to go through this exercise with all of you, grab a piece of paper and a pen, or if you want to digitally take notes.
The first step is to make a wishlist. So for the next 10, 15 minutes, set a timer and imagine that whatever you write will come true within the designated timeframe.
Think of it as a wishlist describing your ideal life and ask yourself, if I could be anything, experience anything, or have anything, what would it be? What would it be right? Every single thing that comes to mind and be as specific as possible.
Lastly, do not feel the need to be realistic or justify your dreams just write.
Break It Down Into Timeframes
So I want you to write down today’s date and then next to it, write down what the date is in three months. what the date is in one year, what the date is in three years, and then a section for lifetime goals.
And I want you to start with the lifetime goals, because we can’t really break it down. If you don’t know where the end point is in your lifetime, what is it that you want out of your big, beautiful life? What is it that gets you so excited? And that has been in the back of your mind for forever. Or maybe you already know what you want in your lifetime, right?
But whatever it is, write it down. And then from there, we’re going to break it down into what part of that big goal are you going to accomplish in three years time? By that date that you set for yourself and then breaking that down into one year’s time and then three months.
So starting with a lifetime and working backwards, instead of just going through your day to day with the same routine, getting you to a place where you’re not even sure you want to be or want to go.
On our Digital Nomad Society coaching call, we really focused on the places around the world we wanted to travel to and the lifestyle we wanted.
Whether it’s traveling full time, whether it’s country hopping week by week, or whether it’s living more of a slow-mading lifestyle where you move to a new country every three to six months, or if you want a base, but you just want to have one international trip every single quarter, whatever that may be, and to find what it looks like for you.
We had one of our members also ask, am I writing down these goals from a place where I think they’re all practical and logical for me, or am I really writing down what I actually want for my life? Of course, it’s what you actually want. They should be scary yet exciting at the same time.
My first passion planner, I was in a corporate job. I had studied finance. I had a job in finance and I wanted to travel full time. That was scary. But it was exciting to me and I saw other people doing the same.
So I was like, well, if they can do what I can too, even though I had no idea how to, but we focus on the what and the how will reveal itself.
This has proven to be true year after year after year, and so many people in our communities, they went full time with their businesses, they started traveling full time, and in January, they were in corporate jobs, they were in such a routine, and it was only until they decided for themselves, I actually don’t want this, and I’m going to find a community of other people who are on the same page as me.
That’s when everything changes. When you firmly believe that you can do it after deciding for yourself.
My Lifetime Goals
In my first Passion Planner, I had written I wanted to be a full time traveler. I wanted to be an influencer, a content creator. I wanted to be an inspiration.
I was single at the time, but I wanted to get married and have a family. Now, after having accomplished many of those things in my lifetime, it changes every year.
And so my lifetime now looks like I want to have a real estate empire. I want to have a healthy, happy family. I want to be an investor, an author, an actress. I want to have multiple vacation homes. I want to have multiple communities that I support. I want to have a foundation that I started that can help causes that I really care about,
Honestly, a lot of these things, I still have no idea how, but like I said before, I’m just defining the what and the how will reveal itself.
So I hope that gave you some inspiration as to what you can possibly write down for yours. And then with each of those goals, break it down into three years, one year, three months.
Find Your Game Changer Goal
The next step is to prioritize. So look at all of these goals and circle your game changer goal, which is the one goal that would have the most positive impact on your life right now.
To prevent burnout, we will strategically prioritize reaching this one goal only. So consider progress on your other goals, extra credit. They’re awesome, but not necessary.
And so in year one, when I first did this, my first priority was to start my online business because that would enable me to quit my job and I saw so many opportunities of how I could reach my other goals if I just started with the start my business one, right? (Read my blog on starting an online business here.)
For me personally, I’m probably going to be focusing on my family next year because that is my big priority. I’m going to be a first time mom and I want to dedicate my time and my energy into being the best version of myself in that new chapter as I possibly can.
Once you prioritize, what I want you to do is write down that game changer goal and write down the due date as to when you are going to do that, to achieve that goal or when you’re going to be able to check it off, whatever it may be.
Create A Passion Plan
Then create a Passion Plan, which is a mind map that visually breaks down your game changer goal into smaller, more actionable steps. So set a timer for 10, 15 minutes and brainstorm any steps that come to mind, connecting them to the center box, which is where your game changer is.
If you want to, you can also visualize. So visualize yourself reaching that goal. Visualize how you will feel when you reach that goal. What do you see? What do you smell? What do you hear? What does the journey look like? Is there anyone there with you? Who is supporting you? Immerse yourself in that win.
Write down any notable details you imagine and nothing is off limits. Once you do this, you’re going to realize that everything you possibly want is within your frame of reference, and it’s all possible for you. You simply need to be taking different actions.
After you create your passion plan, this is where the rest of the Passion Planner, this is where the magic happens because then you’re going to be taking your game changer and breaking it down into monthly action items, weekly action items, and daily action items.
This should completely revamp your day to day schedule. You’re going to get different results if you take different actions. And if those results come from a place of where you want to go, you’re going to know that your day to day actions are fueled by this motivation of alignment.
I wake up every morning so excited for the day because everything I could possibly do is aligned. It’s something that I love. I’m obsessed with my life and it’s very intentional.
I have thought all of the thoughts and taken all of the actions to get me exactly where I want to be and I know that this is possible for you.
One of my favorite things about this exercise is having those deadlines because personally, I work well with deadlines instead of thinking, oh, you’ll do this one day in the future, and just waiting for that moment in the future to completely change your life.
That’s giving your control to your future, right? But instead recognizing you have everything you need to be making those changes right now. immediately. And today is the future. Today is the day when everything changes. So recognizing that is just incredibly powerful.
And if you don’t have a Passion Planner already, this is the link here if you’re interested.
How To Vision Board
Next we are going to be vision boarding. And this is something that I love doing in my communities because I can share my screen. I can really help each person create their ideal vision board.
But for the sake of this podcast, I am going to recommend that if you’re not in the Digital Nomad Society already, if you join, you get a vision board template in one of the modules where you can really see how the year is going to play out and what it is that you want to attract.
Visualizing is just such a powerful, powerful tool where you can shift how you feel about the present moment. You can kind of jump into the future and see exactly what the future you looks like.
Once you have that vision board and once you know how to put it together, what I do is I set it as my desktop background for the entire year.
And every time I open up my laptop, I see my future. And one day it becomes my reality for 2024. I had a photo of a pregnant belly, which is exactly what I see when I look down.
I had land deals. I had business class flights. I had travel, I had business class, growth and friends and surfing. All of these things, which I have manifested into my life.
Then take your passion roadmap, take everything you have for the next year and find photos, find words. Find things that light you up and get excited for what is to come after you finish these exercises.
If you need business support, definitely check out the Business Academy to get you set up for 2025 on track to hit all of your business goals. The Academy is where we help you start and scale a profitable online business to start hitting those 5k months and be working from anywhere.
You can also opt in for a few weeks of private coaching or even just a one on one call with me so we can look through your plan and make sure it all aligns.
And if you want the vision board template join the Digital Nomad Society. It’s only $7 a month and you can cancel any time.
With both of these programs, you get community support. So know that we are all here supporting the biggest vision you have for your life. I am so excited for what is to come take the next week to really just reflect and celebrate everything you’ve achieved in 2024, and I will be rooting for an even better 2025.
If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean a lot if you could go on Apple or Spotify and leave us a review. Have an amazing holiday season my loves and I will see you in the next episode!
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