Our Next Digital Nomad Adventure: Northern Spain!

Now that wedding madness is over with, it’s time to embark on our next digital nomad adventure! For the next month and a half, we will be road tripping through Northern Spain across Asturias and Galicia. Tune in for a behind the scenes look into how we plan our travels, balance work and life, and learn how you can create this lifestyle for yourself!

Tune in or read the blog version below!

Officially Married!

Hello, my loves Welcome back to the Wanderlover podcast. This is the first episode I am recording since getting married!

I am still buzzing from all of the wedding excitement.

We planned the wedding in less than three months and I felt a giant weight being lifted off of my shoulders and everything went according to plan.

It was one of the best days of my life.

Before the wedding, I went up to London to meet up with my parents, my brother and my brother’s girlfriend, and that was such an amazing trip in itself from Cornwall.

We’ve been in the southwest of England and that’s where the wedding was.

Digital Nomad Adventures: Galicia, Spain

Now that the wedding is over, we are about to embark on our newest chapter of our Digital Nomad Adventures!

Our next stop for the next few weeks is Northern Spain.

We’re going to be exploring a brand new part of Spain that we’ve never been to before.

Last year when we were driving from England through France Spain to Portugal, we were in Basque country, so we went to the cider houses near San Sebastian.

But this time we are taking the car ferry from Plymouth in England to Santander in Spain, and then we’re gonna be driving West.

We’re going to be driving through Asturias, ending up in Galicia, which is on the Atlantic coast right above Portugal. 

I truly feel like it’s a hidden gem, and I’m really excited to bring more awareness to this part of Spain because it’s one of my favorite countries.

What is it like to be a nomad?

This lifestyle is truly by design. It’s not for everyone, but it’s the perfect lifestyle for me.

I wouldn’t choose any other way than to be nomadic!

I’m gonna be back on my surf every day grind and waking up to the sound of the ocean, which is so amazing.

I’m honestly spoiled because it has just been my reality for so much of the past few years.

Being able to literally step outside, be on the beach, and then go surfing.

You can literally design your days, weeks, months, and years exactly how you want to.

You can be located anywhere in the world there is an internet connection, and make money from your laptop.

How To Become A Digital Nomad

I teach this process in the Digital Nomad Society, and I’ll walk you through how I go about this process myself.

The three phases that we teach in the Society are: learn, plan, and go. 


Do your due diligence, learn from other people, have a sense of what you want to achieve or what you wanna experience for yourself, and you find the places in the world that align with that.

A lot of times, new destination inspirations can come from just talking to other people.

On our last Members Meet and Greet session in the Digital Nomad Society, we were talking about destinations that some members have never even heard of.

We were sharing resources that some members never even heard of, and they’re like, I can actually go to so many more places because I didn’t know that these tools were accessible to me!

So learning as much as you can about yourself, about what you want to do is the first step. 


Next we plan exactly how you’re going to get there and how you’re gonna make it work for yourself.

At least for me, I find the destination we knew we wanted to go to Northern Spain, and then we plan:

  • Where are we going to stay?
  • Are we going to be right next to the beach? If so, which beach?
  • How long do we want to stay for?
  • When exactly can we take a car ferry from England to Spain?

This has been narrowed to a science that we can do in a few days time.

This full Spain trip took a few days max because we are just so aware of the tools that are available to us and we know the exact type of experience we are going for.

I also thought it would be super fun to reach out to some luxury hotels in Northern Spain to help them promote their property and that is looking like it’s going to happen sometime in November.

It’s just really fun that I’m able to also create content not only for my page, but also for these hotels as well.

All in all, I can confidently say that the next month and a half is looking exactly like how I dreamt for it to be.

Every single activity, every single location has been carefully thought out. 


The last phase after we learn, after we plan, we go, we go full force.

There is no turning back.

We make the most out of every experience, and we kind of curate our day to days as we are traveling to be aligned with what we want to do or to see for the day.

In the Digital Nomad Society, we make sure that we are feeling balanced with our work and life.

I give you a time tracker where you can literally see how much time you are dedicated to work and how much time you are dedicated to life.

And you can track that over time to see what works best for you.

Connect With Other Nomads

If this lifestyle sounds like it is calling your name, if this is something that you want to make your reality, I personally would love to invite you into the Digital Nomad Society.

The synergies on our bi-weekly group calls, the comments, the support that you’ll find in the community, is unparalleled.

I’m constantly adding in new trainings and new modules and new resources so that you feel fully supported and for you to make it your reality ASAP.

After our last call, one of our members said, “Just got off the live training with Danielle. It was incredible. I wasn’t expecting it to be so informative, informational, inspiring, all of the things. Thank you, thank you.”

I make sure that each member is fully supported. You literally have access to me as well as the modules, trainings, templates, and our community.

You get all of this for $7 a month. There is no strings attached. You can cancel at any time.

Wherever in the world you are, you are welcome to join us and if you have any questions, just message me on Instagram!

Have an amazing travel filled week guys. I am sending love to you all.

✈️ Join the Digital Nomad Society

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Danielle Hu

Danielle Hu

Danielle Hu is a multiple 6-figure travel influencer, business coach, and Host of The Wanderlover Podcast. She has traveled to over 65+ countries running her online business and surfing in remote tropical destinations. Her mission is to help creatives and coaches achieve time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom through online entrepreneurship.

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Hi, I’m Danielle

My mission is to help you design a location-independent lifestyle through online entrepreneurship, to achieve time freedom, location freedom, financial freedom.

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