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Today on the show, we have special guest Danny Cohanpour, who is a college friend, absolutely incredible entrepreneur, and CEO of Trove Tourism Development Advisors, a digital agency for tourism development based in New York.
I’ve been working as an advisor with the Trove team since their launch last year, and think so highly of Danny as a person and business owner.
So, so happy to have him here to talk all about travel, the future of travel, the business of travel. Welcome to the show, Danny!
Danny Cohanpour:
Thank you so much. I’ve been wanting to come on and I finally convinced you!
Danny’s Background
So let’s take it back and I want to start with your background. Where did you come from? And have you always known you wanted to start your own business in the travel space?
Danny Cohanpour:
Sure. Very good question. And thank you again for having me. I come from a consulting background. So my background has been in working with government institutions, government agencies, and some of the time tourism agencies on digital strategies and real strong marketing and consulting projects that help them with their bottom line and help them grow their, their base, whether it be their base of constituents, whether it be the base of visitors, et cetera. And that’s really where I focused on for the crux of my career. I’ve always wanted to start my own company. I’ve always wanted to have a strategic vision and be able to really execute it without interference.
Danny Cohanpour:
And, and it’s been a goal of mine for a very long time to do something exclusively in tourism and travel. So that’s why I started Trove. And that’s really what, where the imp impetus of travel starting a company in the travel industry was, was taking this kind of intersection of my love of entrepreneurship. My love of moving things forward with my uninterrupted vision and then tourism and travel as being a significant passion of mine.
Vision and Self Discipline
I love that. And just knowing how much you’ve accomplished in your first year in business. I think my selfish question for you is how are you able to scale so fast and be so diligent about what to work on, who to hire and expanding your team all within such a short period of time.
Danny Cohanpour:
Thank you. And, and yes, you know, the, the, that’s the question I get a lot and we are a lot younger, you know, admittedly than a lot of our competitors, our competitors have been in business for 30, 35 years and have, and have been operating for that amount of time and work comparatively younger for me. It’s I understand what our vision is. I had, I had a very solid expectation of myself. I didn’t say that I want to, you know, own every account and run tourism marketing for every destination out there. And my first year, my first two years, right? I said, okay, at the end of two years, I want to realistically accomplish X, Y, and Z.
Danny Cohanpour:
And every day, not every week, not every month, every day, I assess myself based on how I’m performing against those goals. And I’ve been very focused on what I can do and what I can’t do. And that’s what I think we’ve been able to scale so quickly. And we’ve been able to scale our team, our client projects, our products, and just, I have a very solid vision on what to accomplish. And I assess that constantly.
You can hear the self-discipline and your voice.
Danny Cohanpour:
Thank you. I don’t have anything. It’s definitely self self-discipline. And I think a lot of it came from, you know, career and consulting and, and something that a lot of my, the people that I worked with taught me and something they instilled in me and something you learn in, in consulting for organizations is you really need to have a solid grasp of your goals and have a solid grasp of what’s in your actual responsible responsibility and accountability and what you’re able to actually influence and what you’re not. And sometimes what you’re not can distract you and things that you’re actually not able to do can distract you. So it’s about understanding what your limits are, right?
Danny Cohanpour:
I’m not going to go about go and pitch that I could, you know, tomorrow solve the biggest tourism challenges out there, but we can get there at a certain date and be able to solve for like some concrete and tangible challenges. So that’s really where we came from and why we started.
You have this vision, you had everything set before you quit and pivoted.
The Birth Of Trove Tourism
Danny Cohanpour:
No, I just, honestly, I had a passion and I had a really solid vision. I didn’t have the goals set yet. Right. I, the goals are really set in my first six months of business, but I had a really strong passion. I had a strong vision and I had a strong work ethic, I think more so than anything. I started Trove a few years ago. I traveled and I’ll tell you a brief story. I’ll try to be as brief, brief as possible. I traveled to, I’m not going to tell you what, what country, but it was a Caribbean destination. Okay. And, and I, I, I went there with really low expectations. Okay. I went to go visit my friend who was in medical school there.
Danny Cohanpour:
So I said, okay, you know what? I’m probably gonna be at the hotel by the hotel pool, maybe beach, a little bit of beach action with my friend. And ultimately it was, it surpassed my expectations. Our third day there, we went to the beach, this guy on a boat said, Hey, do you guys want to come on our boat? We went on the boat, 45 minutes in, we were snorkeling underwater and saw the most incredible underwater sculpture park I’ve ever seen in my life. Okay. So I came back to the boat. I told the boat captain I’m like, I didn’t even know this was here. If it was here, it would have been so much more excited and excited to come. And he said, yes, our government does not do a good job in marketing the destination to, you know, American travelers, Canadian travelers, European travelers.
Danny Cohanpour:
And I thought that was so interesting because you have a destination that has such a gem of a place, and it’s not marketed correctly to an audience. And it’s not marketed correctly to, to meet somebody that loves travel and somebody that looks for opportunities to travel. So that was the passion that ignited trove even a few years ago. And that’s why I took that passion coupled with like a really strong work ethic and an understanding of what’s in my control. And I launched trope. I didn’t have everything figured out yet, you know, to your point, I didn’t have everything figured out, but with the understand that I’ll figure it out over time, I was able to get started.
Yeah. You saw the opportunity, right. And you crafted your entire business around the opportunity, the gap in the market and blazing forward. I want to know how COVID has impacted your journey. Did you still have the same level of confidence when you know the world through a pandemic?
Travel and The Pandemic
Danny Cohanpour:
It’s a good question. I would say, I always like to look at the positives of any situation. Any industry goes through challenges, right? And the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s an issue for multiple industries, for the teaching industry education industry, for health, for any industry, you can really think of retail and tourism is just another. Okay. And where I really look at is yes, there are some detriments and people are, have more interrupted travel may have before. But what I’ve noticed is that destinations now at a government level and the private sector level are planning a lot more meaning they’ve taken the last year and the next year to say, okay, what markets we want to target with our marketing?
Danny Cohanpour:
Where do we want to go? Which of our products or attractions do we want to develop further to be ready for visitors? And we’ve seen a lot of upswing in terms of the amount of investment in smarter marketing and digital tactics. So with a huge detriment of, okay, in, through up the travel, you know, a lot of the tourism industry and airline industry has seen interruptions. There has been a tremendous amount of opportunity. And I found that tourism organizations, we call them destination marketing organizations or destination management companies or tourism boards, or even tour operators. The ones that have seized on the opportunity to become more digital, smarter, more lean, okay.
Danny Cohanpour:
More focused on smarter and targeted marketing have been doing a lot better. And the ones that have stayed with the traditional mindset of 20 17, 20 18 and 2019 have fallen behind a bit. So it’s been a, it’s been a disruption that’s caused detriment, but it’s also caused opportunity and Tibet seizing on that opportunity.
So how did you see that opportunity? What are different things that you did?
Danny Cohanpour:
Sure. So we did two things at the onset. Okay. And I said, okay, I’m not starting this until we really understand what people are saying and what these tourism offices are saying. So we did a survey of 20 tourism offices and we tried to understand, okay, what are the biggest challenges? Where are they investing their funds? Where do they want to go? And what are their, what is their outlook for digital? And we’re able to find that while they hadn’t baked their full digital strategy, they were looking to shift more digitally because of COVID. Okay. And the second set, we did a lot of what we call consumer sentiment analysis or traveler sentiment analysis to understand, are people not excited about traveling anymore?
Danny Cohanpour:
Are they not wanting to travel? Is COVID really locking them up permanently. And what we found, and we did some sentiment analysis across a large variety of populations. We found that there was a lot of momentum for travel, but not the traditional type of travel, but adventure, travel, outdoors, travel, recreational, travel, cultural travel, those kind of key words popped up a lot. So as we started to work with destinations, you know, we worked with Dubai last year. We were able to work with a few destinations. Now in Southeast Asia, we’re able to bring some of that to the fold of our understanding of not only what you want, but what your travelers are wanting.
Danny Cohanpour:
And we’re able to incorporate some of that.
Trove Tourism Services
It’s backed by research and data and analytics, which I love. And I think that all comes under one of your products. Right. So would you mind just sharing with the audience, what the four core products of Trove are that you’ve developed from scratch?
Danny Cohanpour:
Thank you. Yes, they do. So we actually just launched a fifth. So I’m going to, I’m going to share it. We have five now. So Trove is a consulting agency. Okay. We are a consulting agency and digital agency for tourism development. Meaning we work with destination marketing organizations, destination management companies, tour operators, and tourism boards on digital strategy and digital marketing campaigns. Okay. To be able to stand out is our slogan. We also bring to the fold five assets. So these are five products that we’re incorporating in all of our consulting projects. The first one is Trove discovery, Trove discovery, essentially a strategy tool. It helps destinations build a strategy virtually.
Danny Cohanpour:
So we have strategy roadmaps templates, and we have a workshop and agenda where deemos are able to actually build a strategy virtually often more effectively than they were able to do in person. We have a tool now, which is our newest tool called Trove traveler, which is a market segmentation tool. We we’ve incorporated some technology that actually asks prospective travelers, pointed questions on social media and gets an, and is able to collect some strong and really insightful data from social questioning that we’re able to build a market segmentation based on that. And some traveler data as well. Thirdly, we have, we built out a trove influence offering, which I know we’ve spoken about in the past, but it’s a very much a matchmaking service between GMOs and influencers.
Danny Cohanpour:
And we were able to build a solid roster now of influencers that are, that are going to be working with us in the next year on campaigns. Fourth is a trove sentiment, which is our sentiment analysis tool that I spoke about a little bit earlier before captures data from social networks and brings that into one real dashboard to show deemos and tourism organizations. What the sentiment is of travelers, what they’re talking about, what they’re not excited about and what they’re excited about. And then the fifth, which I’m most excited about is our dashboard. It’s called Trove trends. It’s a one view single real-time dashboard for a tourism organization to be able to track and measure their marketing sentiment and digital data in one place.
Danny Cohanpour:
So we’re very digital forward at Trove because we understand that that’s where the market is going and that’s where marketing for the market is going. So I made it a priority in the last two years to build out these products, to be able to respond to that, a moving target.
I find that you have many competitors in this space. I can’t imagine many other tourism companies or advisors being millennials.
Finding Your Unique Value Proposition
Danny Cohanpour:
I know we, we don’t have a lot of competitors. And I say that because we come in from two angles, the first angle is that we’re a digital agency. We don’t come in and organize trade shows. We don’t come in and do traditional media placements, right? That’s 2018 and 2019 media. We come in a lot, a little bit more smarter leaner and focused on digital. And on the, on the flip side, we’re laser focused on tourism. So we are focused on that sector. That’s who we help. That’s what we’re passionate about. And that’s where my team has experience. So there are very few organizations at the intersection of those two areas with as young and as a dynamic team is what we have.
And what I admire about you is just how much of a visionary you are. I know our audience, a lot of them love traveling. Most people who tune into the show, they love traveling. They love building businesses, but having almost like the guts to work with an older generation of really established market and bringing something completely new, that’s not tested having the confidence and the vision to keep pushing forward. Even, you know, when things are working out, when there’s a pandemic thrown at you and knowing that it’s only going to go uphill and grow over time, like you never really cast a doubt or at least I don’t feel it. I can never tell that’s what I hope the listeners take away. Like even when all cards are against you, that is your opportunity. That’s what you need to capitalize on.
Danny Cohanpour:
I appreciate that. And, and it’s, it is tough, you know, it’s it, this is not an easy journey by any means. And I didn’t enter this journey thinking it was going to be easy. I always knew this concept of entrepreneurship is difficult, but I think when it turns from a concept to an actual reality of, Hey, you have to set your own goals, you have to motivate yourself. You don’t have a boss. That’s telling you, Hey, you’re doing well or you’re not doing well anymore. It’s all you. And if you’re not self motivated for not setting your own goals, if you’re not checking things off your list, you know, it doesn’t work. You know, and I wasn’t always like that.
Danny Cohanpour:
I don’t think I could’ve started my own company five years ago. I don’t think I could’ve started my company four years ago. I think I’m at a specific point now where I’ve developed my own ability to be able to motivate myself and not have to rely on, Hey, you’re doing such a good job, Danny, or you’re killing a Danny. And I love that, but did I have to wean off that and be able to develop my own engine a hundred percent.
Daily Motivation Practices
What were some practices that you incorporated just like in your day to day to really shift that?
Danny Cohanpour:
I’m going to tell you very tat I’m going to, I’m going to be tactical for a second of it. What I actually do. I have two whiteboards in my room. Okay. And, and it doesn’t have to be a whiteboard. It can be a notebook, whatever you do. One whiteboard is what I planned to do for the week and a breakdown of what I planned to do for the week. Everything I plan to do for the week. And if it changes, I add something on there, remove something. And then I also have a whiteboard for my goals for the month. So I’m able to every day look at both of those and be able to say, okay, what am I checking off? And is it actually working for the monthly goal? So I do that constantly. It’s not something I’ve always done. It’s something that I’ve needed to do to motivate myself, to get things done and get things done that are not only working harder but smarter, right?
Danny Cohanpour:
If I’m working on a 25 page proposal that I likely won’t win, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s a lost opportunity cost, right? But if I’m working on a 25 or 50 page proposal, that I’ve really researched and have understood the traveler market and understand what we’re applying for and what we’re proposing ourselves for, then it’s worthwhile because I have a higher likelihood of winning. So it’s a lot of doing those like that weekly and monthly breakdowns, but also understanding what’s your opportunity cost. What’s your likelihood of really being able to be successful at something and doing some of that risk analysis by herself
And needing to prioritize and realizing that your time is limited. So you really need to get good at filtering what is worth my time? What can I actually dedicate to and what is best for my business.
Danny Cohanpour:
100%. And I say that is a very valid point because a lot of people look at the travel or tourism industry now, and they say, okay, Danny, what are you thinking? It’s sleeping, it’s dormant. People are not traveling. Why are you investing so much time and money and effort into this? And I see a lot of incredible potential right now for the tourism industry. Okay. And, and I like to, I like to look at it in five different ways. The first is safety is now not a blocker. It’s being incorporated into travel and tourism. So people say, okay, people are not traveling because it’s not safe. We just talked about before the call, we’re both traveling, but we’re doing so in a safe manner, right?
Danny Cohanpour:
I think market segments are changing. People are traveling that are not necessarily only high net worth individuals that are, have lower income that are wanting those cultivated experiences. Third is people are looking for more personal experiences. Fourth are, people are looking for more adventure, travel and adventure, tourism and nature and outdoors, tourism and fifties, people are being saturated by options. I always get alerts on my phone, constant mobile, mobile, mobile connections. And I mean, these are five trends that I’ve seen in the industry that are showing that it’s not sleeping. It’s not dead. It’s very much coming back in 2022. And that’s why I have a very solid discipline because I’m not operating in a dead industry.
Danny Cohanpour:
I’m operating an industry that is not only about the bounce back, but it’s about to have a really huge takeover in terms of the hearts and minds of people that I have wanted to travel for two years and only just able to travel. So I’m working that much faster and that much smarter to be able to account for these trends and where the tourism industry is going
For sure. Cause travel’s not going anywhere, right? Like you can take the travel away from someone, but they’re always going to want to travel and it’s going to come back inevitably.
Insights Into Regions Of The World
Danny Cohanpour:
Exactly. You know, I was just watching a broadcast. I think it was discover Puerto Rico and Puerto Rico has been through hell and back in the last five years, they’ve had a lot of natural disaster issues. They’ve had, you know, the pandemic and what the management team was saying was they’re not just focused in, on focused on a recovery to focus on a takeover. And they’re focused on really growing, developing and catapulting the industry to the global audience. And that’s why I think they, a lot of industry leaders, both, you know, tour operators to your leadership at a ministry level are looking at and taking the opportunity now for all this built up momentum, to be able to actually turn into a, to result in 2022 and beyond
Which countries have you seen have taken more initiatives to fight for the wave utters I’m going to come back and who are just more ahead of their times?
Danny Cohanpour:
Really a question I’m not going to call it a specific country where I will say, is there a regions of the world? Okay, there’s three regions Southeast Asia is where I’ve seen a lot of focus on doing things differently than before. So you have destinations like, and then there I go, naming countries, Cambodia, right, is now investing a lot in smarter marketing techniques. Being able to highlight gems in Cambodia, you know, same thing with Malaysia, looking at different attractions in Malaysia, rather than just, you know, your capital city in your central capital region. I have also seen huge trends in the Caribbean, okay. Destinations are not only hiring new marketing teams, but are looking at digital experiences.
Danny Cohanpour:
You know, in-person experiences that are augmented by a digital component, whether it be an app, whether it be a, you know, in, in an influencer campaign, they’re trying out for the first time in the Caribbean. And then thirdly, and this is somewhere that’s really been, been investing and growing like gangbusters is middle Eastern north Africa where we’ve seen Dubai now at 5% of traveler market share in the recent study. But we have destinations that are really climbing up there. So other parts of the UAE, we have huge developments in Saudi Arabia who had never really entered the tourism industry before until the last year. And now they’re growing and investing a ton in tourism.
Danny Cohanpour:
So I’ve seen a lot of upward swings in those markets in Southeast Asia and the Caribbean in the middle east. And those are the markets that Trove is tracking as well.
And how have you found working with countries and regions around the world? Do you have the same strategies when communicating, when working with dealing with them and you aim to work with every region around the world?
Danny Cohanpour:
It’s a, it’s a good question. Before we meet with any destination, we always do that a week or so research to understand what are the consumer sentiments with our tool? What are the trends in travel? And then also what is that office or operator or company done in the past? So we always come in and do research. And then the first meeting is our discovery meeting, where we understand more about their needs, what they’ve done, what cause we don’t pretend to apply the same technique to every destination out there. It doesn’t work. Right? So we make sure to, to really get to know who they are before the call and then being able to understand who they are during the call. And then we build a tailored approach, like any other consulting company, but really tailored on what are their specific key performance indicators and what do they want to accomplish and how do we use our products to do so?
Danny Cohanpour:
I don’t plan on working with the entire world. I plan on working with areas that I see a lot of cool opportunities, cool, new inventions, cool new disruptions that are impacting the tourism industry and appetite to be able to grow innovate. You know, there’s a lot of gems out there in the world, right? There are gems that are now competing in the leisure market space in the mice or meetings industry, the business travel industry, you have new up and coming destinations that are not the New York, Las Vegas, Dubai London’s of the world that are the cities and regions and destinations that are both in the U S and not that are seeing major upward growth and seeing increased social media visits, increased, you know, bookings on online travel agents, increased plans for visiting through tour operators and travel agents in 2022 and 2023.
Danny Cohanpour:
So we have a lot of upward swings in those kinds of second cities and gems of the world. What we call troves at Trove, these treasures of places that have not really been central on the map for a long time. And those are the places I’m really interested in working with.
Yeah. That’s awesome. Because if you think about it, it’s all marketing, right. Even as like Americans, where in the world would you travel to? Where do you feel safest? Where’s there the most information on, and if you think about it, there’s countries in the world that people have never heard of. Why is that? Is it because of the marketing? Is it actually because it’s dangerous or is it just because they don’t have digital companies like you helping connect and build the bridge
Danny Cohanpour:
A hundred percent. I mean, I love the build the bridge slogan. I may steal it off of you. I love that. I mean, I think it’s, it’s, it’s a perfect, you know, summary of what we’re really trying to do and where we’ve seen a lot of opportunity because ultimately the tourism industry is not me. It’s not you it’s, it’s, it’s the operators, it’s the people that are living in the communities. And if we really look back in the last two years without a strong tourism industry, many of these communities have not been able to stay afloat. You had local businesses that have been put out of business. You have tour guides that have had to completely reinvent the way that they’re, they’re focused on their career and try different things. Right? So tourism industry means a lot to different people, both on the government level, at the community level, at the business level.
Danny Cohanpour:
And there’s a lot at stake. So that’s why there’s a lot at stake to get it right again. And there’s a lot at stake for destinations to look at and try out different strategies to be able to get it right. Yeah.
Undiscovered Destinations
That’s awesome. So if you don’t mind me asking, and if you’re willing to share, where are your current troves, where do you see? There are lots of opportunities that maybe some of our listeners haven’t heard of, or it’s not on their radar.
Danny Cohanpour:
It’s a very good question. I, I’m gonna give you a few examples when you think of Cambodia. Okay. You think of you think of the anchor wat, right. But there are huge gems or troves outside of the anchor watt that have not gotten a lot of attention. There’s the coastal zone of Cambodia. There are places in Cambodia that have rich cultural and historical history, as well as beauty that has not been on the map yet. Okay. And that’s some of the work that we’ve actually been doing in the last two years. And we were planning on doing in 2022, I would say, just furthering down that Southeast Asia hall, if you’re interested in going to Malaysia, there are parts of Malaysia, like in Borneo that are absolutely incredible, that are really seeing huge investments, not only in marketing, but in tourism development.
Danny Cohanpour:
So investing in hotel infrastructure, you know, your tourist investing in the safety and the infrastructure of your sites, places like that. I have seen major growth in troves in the middle east. So Jordan in Oman, in Bahrain, in, in places in the middle east that are huge, have huge nature and recreational activities that you don’t think of activities, you don’t think of beautiful blue water beaches, but a lot of these places have them. And a lot of the places, even along the Mediterranean Tunisia, Lebanon have these beautiful adventure and natural sites that people don’t think about.
Danny Cohanpour:
And then the last place I’ll cover is we’ve seen major investment in tourism and infrastructure, tourism, product development, and marketing across the Caribbean. So while, you know, for many years, The Bahamas has outpaced, you know, the rest of the region, you have destinations now that are really like Grenada, like Saint Kitts, like Saint Lucia, you have different parts of the Caribbean that are, that are getting some light shined on them. And they have some beautiful, not only beaches, but cultural experiences, major recreational experiences, major experiences in, in, in getting to know the locals and getting to know the local culture and local history.
Danny Cohanpour:
So again, those are in my kind of three target regions, but I think as a traveler, there’s now more than ever, you have the ability to do a little more research. There are so many sites now, and so many booking booking sites that are focused in, on like cultivating experiences for you. They’re not necessarily that traditional tourism circuits. So I would say as a traveler go, you know, if you’re going to pick a destination, go look at what there to do in that destination that will allow you the opportunity to interact with the local community, interact with natural and beach and recreational sites. If you want that right. Interact with the gastronomy or the food in that destination, because often there’s a lot to do.
Danny Cohanpour:
If you look outside the traditional tourism, the famous sites does UNESCO heritage sites. There’s a lot to do outside of that. And those are just a few examples. I’m sure I’ll be able to rattle off a lot more, but that’s where I’m most excited about in 2022. And that’s where I think, you know, slowly the world is shifting to more of those gems and those treasures.
Yeah. I think it’s becoming a lot more connected. I think exposure for a lot of countries is increasing very rapidly and what’s really cool is like a lot of my audience, I love traveling, but it’s people like Danny and his company connecting everyone and putting these destinations on your radar. Right. So it’s coming full circle.
Danny Cohanpour:
Appreciate it. Exactly. And you know, this is only an exciting time. If you want to travel, you, you should, you should start planning now for, for an experience in 2022, right. And it safely, right. Understand that you may need to get tested, right. When you go there for COVID or you may need to have the proper forms of documentation before you go. But that’s all quick admin stuff that you can take care of. The real joy is when you’re able to be there and be able to experience a destination like you were able to do so before the pandemic, but it might be a little different. You might have more local exposure. You might be able to try different things, right? Take advantage of now you have the opportunity to travel somewhere and really soak up and experience when you’ve been home for so long.
Danny Cohanpour:
And that’s where we, that’s where I’m most excited about because ultimately there’s a lot to look forward to in 2022,
For sure. It’s coming back.
Danny Cohanpour:
Agreed. I know, you’re just telling me about all the places you’re planning on travel to in 2022. I’m like, I gotta, I gotta catch up on my list right now.
Well, now it’s for business.
Danny Cohanpour:
Yeah. There you go. Exactly.
Awesome. Well, do you have any last words you would like to share with our audience today?
Final Thoughts
Danny Cohanpour:
No. I mean, I do want to just say how appreciative I am that you had me on and how excited I am to be able to, you know, see that even the growth of the Wanderlover, you know, we spoke about troll, but seeing the growth of the Wanderlover over the last several years has been incredible. And you, and you’ve been able to do so many different things and try it so many different things. And I’m, I’m delighted that you’re an advisor for Trove and I’ve been able to, it I’ve been able to witness the things that you’ve been able to do. So, you know, keep it up and I’m excited to be on the podcast. And I look forward to many more years of this podcast,
For sure, Danny, where can our listeners find you?
Danny Cohanpour:
Okay. You can find me at our Instagram for Trove at Trove tourism. You can also check out our website at www dot Trove, tourism.com. And that’s where you can find us. We’re very active. Our social team is constantly posting about trends and travel trends and tourism trends and various destinations. And you can reach me through our website as well and feel free to contact me, start a conversation I’m very transparent and communicative. So yeah, that’s it.
You so much for being on the show. We really appreciate your insights.
Danny Cohanpour:
Danielle, thank you for having me.
See you all next week. Have an amazing day!
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