How to Manifest Money

Manifesting money and achieving financial abundance requires aligning your thoughts, energy, and actions with wealth. My intention for this episode is to give you a step-by-step guide to help you bring more money into your life through the power of manifestation. Whether you're looking to boost your income, create financial freedom, or live a life of abundance, this episode is for you!

Tune in or read the blog version below!

✍🏽 Grab Your Passion Planner

✨ 88 Abundance Affirmations

Today we’re diving into a very exciting topic, how to manifest money and attract wealth through manifestation.

Manifesting money and achieving financial abundance requires aligning your thoughts, your energy, and your actions with wealth.

I come from a very pragmatic corporate background, so I’m speaking from experience when I say that I’ve manifested the business, the income, the body, the husband, the baby, and the life of my dreams.

I’m going to give you a step by step guide to help bring more money into your life through the power of manifestation.

Whether you’re looking to boost your income, create more financial freedom, or live a life of abundance, this is for you! Let’s dive in.

A Disclaimer on Manifestation

I want to start with a disclaimer because I feel like manifestation has become such a buzzword. Some of you may have even rolled your eyes at the concept.

I want to make clear that manifestation is not just wishing you had a million dollars in your bank account right now and then pointing at the obvious fact that it is not in your bank account within a week.

That’s similar to trying to manifest the body of your dreams and getting disappointed that you haven’t lost 20 pounds in a week – it’s setting yourself up for failure. 

Although manifestation, I truly believe, is real and is so powerful when used correctly, it also doesn’t mean that you just get all of your wishes granted with no action on your part.

If you approach it in that light where you’re trying to prove that it doesn’t work, you’re already starting off on the wrong track by thinking those thoughts of doubt and lack, and that is what you’re going to continue attracting into your life.

So I want you to approach everything I say in this episode with an open mind, especially if you are not where you want to be financially in your business or in your life right now.

Because if that’s not where you want to at this point, then what is there to lose for you?

With that being said, let’s get into it. Let’s start with the foundation of manifestation.

Define Your Money Manifestation

If you want to manifest money, the first step is getting really clear on what exactly you want to achieve.

  • What does it mean for you to manifest money?
  • Is it a specific amount?
  • Are you looking to increase or create passive income?
  • Do you want more clients?
  • Do you want a higher salary?
  • Do you want a promotion?
  • Are you looking to build a luxury lifestyle or are you just trying to pay your bills?

Manifesting money can come in so many different forms. And so whatever it looks like to you, you need to define your financial goal and make it crystal clear what exactly you want.

Think about how much do you want to earn and why, what will financial abundance allow you to do?

Write it all down and be as specific as possible, and create a vision board for your reference. Set it as your desktop and phone background so you see it every day.

Visualize yourself already having it, and most important, channel and feel the emotions of already being in that reality.

When you have clarity, you give your mind something specific to focus on, it paves the way for new opportunities to come up, and you are more susceptible to noticing those opportunities when they come up because clarity brings power.

I’ve been subconsciously doing this in my Passion Planner for the past eight years, and I’ve manifested everything that I’ve wanted, even before understanding or really knowing the power and the intention behind manifestation.

So I was kind of manifesting before I even knew what it was.

As I always say, a map only works if you know exactly where you want to go.

So in my Passion Planner every single year, I was clearly so clearly defining exactly what I wanted to achieve and what I wanted to call into my life in that year.

Tune Into Your New Life Path

With that being said, it was impossible for me to create passive income in my life when I was in corporate because I had no vehicles for the passive income to enter my life in.

But because I had written it down, it put into motion all of the actions necessary for me to start my business and create those passive income streams.

I was tuning into people who had these income streams, learning from them, learning how I could adopt and incorporate that into my own life.

Be Aware And Open To Receiving Money

Once you have your definition of money manifestation and the number you want to call in, be open to all the various ways money can come into your life within and out of your control.

It’s not just like you can only manifest money if you win the lottery.

Money can come to you in so many different ways. It can be through finding cash in a backpack that you forgot about. It can be a thoughtful birthday gift or a new client signing up out of the blue. It can be a tax refund, or it can even be like interest rates going up on all of your savings accounts.

Whatever it is, be open to all of the ways that money can come to you and align yourself with this frequency.

Don’t push it away. Don’t be so hard headed and be so convinced that it is impossible for you to manifest money. So step one is to define exactly what your money manifestations are. 

Release Limiting Beliefs

One of the biggest roadblocks to wealth manifestation is the limiting beliefs we have about money.

These are deep rooted thoughts that keep us stuck and I’ve done episodes on this before if you want to tune back, but basically our minds. are just so powerful and often it’s our own limiting beliefs that hold us back.

If you subconsciously believe that you’re not worthy of money or that you’re a horrible entrepreneur or that money is hard to come by, those thoughts are literally going to be your manifestations coming true. I

t’s almost like a self fulfilling prophecy and it will block your abundance.

Releasing limiting beliefs means identifying and addressing any fears, any negative thoughts, any thoughts of lack, and any limits around wealth. So start by recognizing them and actively work on replacing them.

Common Limiting Beliefs

Very common limiting beliefs that I hear all the time are:

  • You can’t be rich AND happy
  • I need to make money first before investing in my business
  • I don’t come from a rich family or an educated background
  • It’s impossible for me to become rich
  • Making money is really hard and I don’t know how to do it

When you think about all of these beliefs, it can be really apparent where they come from because you don’t just develop these at birth.

It’s either your family, your friends, your work environment, external factors that have really ingrained themselves into your subconscious.

Ask yourself:

  • What was the overall attitude about money in your household?
  • How did the people around you growing up talk about money?
  • What have you personally experienced with your money situation that tends to repeat itself over and over again?
  • Are you caught in a vicious loop of living paycheck to paycheck?
  • Are you in a period of your business where no matter how much you make, you always see zero dollars in your bank account?
  • What holds true for you right now?
  • What is your present day relationship with money?
  • Do you have a really healthy relationship with money or is it something that you don’t even like talking about?
  • What beliefs have carried over from childhood into adulthood?
  • And what stories do you still tell yourself until this day that are no longer serving you?

The reality is that you define your reality. Your thoughts define your reality.

So if you are not happy with the current situation, you need to uncover the thoughts that have gotten you to where you are right now.

The good news is you have the power to change all of that. Work on identifying and releasing all of those beliefs.

If you want to go one step further, write them all down, tear them up, and throw them out, or even like burn them in a bonfire. We are releasing everything holding you back.

Reframe Your Mindset

Step number three is to reframe your mindset to manifest more money. So after you’ve released your limiting beliefs, it’s time to rewrite and rewire your mindset for wealth.

Instead of focusing on the lack on what you can’t do, we want to shift your focus to abundance and everything that you are capable of doing.

Think AND

Like I always say, you want to think AND.

  • You can be rich AND happy.
  • You can be successful AND have so much time on your hands to spend with friends and family.
  • You can make passive income AND be working one on one with clients.

You can have it all you are already in the process of attracting wealth into your life and a mindset of gratitude helps so much as well.

Appreciate the money you currently have, appreciate your current abilities and all of the skills, no matter how small.

When you shift your perspective to seeing money as something that flows easily to you and something that is already around you instead of something you are trying to hold on to or trying so desperately to get more of, you raise your vibration and attract more of it.

So many people get stuck here because they’re so focused on what they don’t have Instead of being grateful for what they already do.

Gratitude & Abundance Exercise 

One exercise if you really want to solidify this is take out a pen and a piece of paper and just write down every single thing you are proud of yourself. For the money in your bank account. Every single thing that you are grateful for.

Gratitude is key to success and when you focus on the abundance, you are inviting more of it into your life. 

And remember all of those limiting beliefs that we threw into the fire? Now we get to practice daily affirmations to rewrite the stories we tell ourselves.

A few of my favorite ones (you can see the full list here) are:

  • ‘I am a money magnet for wealth and abundance’
  • ‘Money flows to me effortlessly and easily’
  • ‘I deserve to live a life of financial freedom’
  • ‘I am an energetic match for millions of dollars’
  • ‘I am an incredibly successful business owner’
  • ‘I have the power to change my reality’
  • ‘I can do whatever it is that I set my mind to’
  • ‘Making money excites me’
  • ‘There is always more than enough’

The more you believe in abundance, the more you’ll start to see it in your life.

Remember how through a lifetime of conditioning from external factors you kind of like adopted those limiting beliefs into your subconscious? You can do the same and rewire from that.

For thoughts of abundance into your subconscious over time, you’re going to be operating differently.

You’re going to be thinking different thoughts and taking different actions because your internal belief system is completely rewired.

And when that happens, you’re going to create this beautiful life for yourself, this beautiful, abundant financial situation, because you’re operating from a different roadmap.

Embody Your Higher Self

The last step of the manifestation process is to embody your higher self.

This is where you start acting as if you already have all the wealth you’re manifesting and shifting your identity to be successful already.

You’re not going to wait until you have a certain amount of money in order to act as your higher self, you can choose to do it right now.

Ask yourself, what would the wealthier version of me do? How would they make decisions? How would they dress and how would they feel on a day to day basis?

The wealthier version of you probably is not stressing over tipping 15 or 20 or 25%. They’re probably not worried about flying economy or business class.

Shift Your Identity

If you are simply trying to get wealthier that will be harder to maintain for you than shifting your identity to already be a wealthy person.

For example, this is similar to if you are trying to eat healthy instead of identifying as a healthy person.

If you see a giant burger and milkshake in front of you, it’s going to be a lot easier for you to resist that if you internally know and believe that you are a healthy person, instead of identifying with being an unhealthy person with bad eating habits and trying to make healthier decisions.

Similarly, if you want to attract financial success, you need to embody that version of yourself today.

It can start really small and the goal is to just try to be 1 percent better than yesterday. It doesn’t have to be this drastic change, but maybe that can mean making a confident decision that you’ve been putting off for weeks and weeks.

Maybe it can be finally getting your finances in check or managing your finances like a millionaire would, or it can be carrying yourself with more confidence in your day to day content or in your emails, being more consistent and being more on top of things like a millionaire business owner would be.

When you start living as your higher self, you align your energy with the wealth you are calling in. This helps attract the opportunities, the people, and the money that will bring your manifestation into reality.

Manifestation Is An Ongoing Practice

Finally, manifestation is an ongoing practice. It’s not something you adopt for a few weeks or a few months.

You need to continue aligning your energy, thoughts, and actions with wealth for years and years to come until it becomes a part of you.

The Universe, I promise you, will respond.

It’s probably not going to be immediate, but you will see a huge, huge change and I am so excited for all of the money you will be calling into your life in the next few years.

Thank you so much for tuning in If you have any questions, feel free to just DM me on instagram and I will see you guys in the next episode Have an amazing week!

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Danielle Hu

Danielle Hu

Danielle Hu is a multiple 6-figure travel influencer, business coach, and Host of The Wanderlover Podcast. She has traveled to over 65+ countries running her online business and surfing in remote tropical destinations. Her mission is to help creatives and coaches achieve time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom through online entrepreneurship.

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