Law of Assumption: Manifest Success, Wealth, Love, Happiness

A few months ago, I came across the concept of Law of Assumption and it completely changed my life.

Having applied manifestation and Law of Attraction principles for years, and having achieved time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom, I thought I had the principles down pat.

But little did I know there was a missing piece to it all that I’ve been studying and I’m so excited to share with you all today!

The Law of Assumption is one of the most powerful and transformative principles in the world of manifestation. 

It was popularized by Neville Goddard, and this law revolves around the idea that what you assume to be true will inevitably become your reality.

In this blog post, I’ll explain how you can use the Law of Assumption to manifest success, wealth, love, happiness, and everything you desire.

Let’s get started!

Law of Assumption Success, Wealth, Love, Freedom

What Is the Law of Assumption?

The Law of Assumption is based on the belief that your assumptions, your deep-rooted beliefs about yourself and the world, are the driving force behind your life experiences. 

In other words, your imagination, and all the thoughts that go on in your mind about what you believe to be true, is your one true reality.

Neville himself says, “When man finally identifies himself with his imagination rather than his senses, he has at long last discovered the core of reality.”

If you want to change your reality, you need to start by changing your assumptions. The Law of Assumption requires you to *assume* the outcome you desire as if it’s already a reality.

How the Law of Assumption Works

The Law of Assumption operates on the principle that your mind and imagination shapes your reality. 

If you assume you are successful, wealthy, and loved, your subconscious mind works in alignment with that belief, guiding you toward actions and opportunities that support those assumptions.

In other words, when you fully *believe* something to be true, your mind will make it true by aligning your thoughts, behaviors, and even the people you meet with that belief. 

This is why the Law of Assumption is so powerful because it allows you to take control of your mind and your reality.

YOU are in control.

A Simple Example

Think about it, there are countless of beliefs and assumptions one can have about the world. And I know that you can name a few that you assume to be true, whether proven or not.

For example, I have heard many women say, “All men are pigs.” 

And it’s no surprise that most of them who hold that underlying assumption are either single or divorced.

It is impossible to invite in a healthy, loving, supportive relationship if your core, underlying belief about your potential partner is that they’re a pig.

On the other hand, everyone I know who are in loving, nurturing relationships, do NOT have that thought.

Instead, they hold assumptions like, “I am worthy of unconditional love, I am confident in my relationship, my partner is my best friend and complements me so well.”

Whatever is your core assumption, that is what your experience in this 3D world is going to reflect.

If you believe all men are pigs, you are going to say yes to those guys who will eventually screw you over, and create the reality that confirms your assumption.

The world is a mirror, forever reflecting what you are doing, WITHIN yourself.

Neville Goddard

So with that being said, let’s dive deeper into how you can use the Law of Assumption to manifest success, wealth, love, and happiness.

Manifesting Success with the Law of Assumption

Success means different things to different people. For some, it may be about climbing the corporate ladder or building a thriving business. 

For others, it could be about achieving personal growth, spending time with their family, or being of service in their community. 

Regardless of what success means to you, the Law of Assumption can help you get there.

1. Define Success for Yourself

The first step is to get clear on what success looks like for you. Without a clear definition, it’s difficult to assume the reality of it because a map only works if you know exactly where you want to go.

Be specific about your goals, whether it’s earning a certain income, reaching a milestone in your career, or achieving work-life balance.

2. Assume the Feeling of Success

Once you have a clear definition, assume the feelings of already being successful. How would you feel if you had already achieved your goals? Would you feel proud, excited, and confident? 

Channel those feelings into your daily life. Walk, talk, and act like the version of you who has already achieved success.

3. Take Aligned Action

While the Law of Assumption focuses heavily on your inner state, it doesn’t mean you should sit back and wait for success to land in your lap.

The key is to take inspired action. And because you are creating new assumptions, these actions should be consistent with the assumption that you are already successful. 

By embodying the assumption of success, you’ll naturally gravitate toward actions and opportunities that bring it into your reality.

Manifesting Wealth with the Law of Assumption

Wealth is one of the most common desires people want to manifest, and it’s also an area where limiting beliefs tend to block the flow of abundance. 

Many people have ingrained assumptions about money that keep them stuck in scarcity, such as “Money is hard to come by,” or “I’m not good with finances.” 

The Law of Assumption can help you rewire these beliefs and manifest financial abundance.

1. Identify and Shift Limiting Beliefs

Start by examining your assumptions about wealth and money. Do you believe that money is difficult to earn? That rich people are greedy? These are limiting beliefs that need to be shifted. 

Replace them with empowering assumptions, like “Money flows easily to me,” or “I am deserving of financial abundance.”

2. Assume the Identity of a Wealthy Person

To manifest wealth, you need to assume the identity of someone who is already wealthy. How would you behave if you had a million dollars in your bank account? How would you feel? What would your daily routine look like? 

Embody these feelings and behaviors now, even before the money arrives.

3. Take Financially Empowered Actions

Start making financially empowered decisions that reflect your new assumptions about wealth.

This might mean setting up an automatic debt repayment plan, investing in yourself or your business, setting up multiple streams of income, or even donating a portion of your income to reaffirm the assumption that “There is always more than enough to go around.” 

When you act from a place of abundance, you attract more abundance.

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Manifesting Love with the Law of Assumption

Love is another area where I’ve seen beautiful things happen with the Law of Assumption.

Whether you’re looking for a romantic partner, deeper friendships, or self-love, your assumptions about love will shape your experience.

A common roadblock I see with many digital nomads are that they believe their lifestyle is too transient and that it’s impossible to find love on the road.

But no matter what your experience has been in the past, you have the power to change your future reality.

1. Assume You Are Worthy of Love

The first step to manifesting love is to assume that you are deserving of it. 

Many people carry the assumption that they are unworthy of love due to past experiences, insecurities, or traumas.

Shift this belief by affirming, “I am worthy of love,” and acting as if you are already loved and cherished.

2. Visualize the Relationship You Desire

To manifest a specific type of relationship, get clear on what you want. Visualize the qualities you seek in a partner, and then assume that this relationship is already yours. 

  • How would you feel if you were in a loving, fulfilling relationship? 
  • How would you treat yourself and your partner?
  • What non-negotiable characteristics would your ideal partner display?

 Start embodying those feelings and behaviors now.

3. Become the Person Who Attracts Love

Love is ultimately a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. To attract love, you need to embody love, and most importantly love yourself.

This means practicing self-love, compassion, and kindness in your daily life. 

When you operate from a place of love, you’ll naturally attract people who resonate with that energy and you won’t settle for any less than what you deserve.

Read Attracting Your Perfect Life Partner as a Nomad.

Manifesting Happiness with the Law of Assumption

Happiness is often seen as the ultimate goal in life. But instead of chasing happiness as something external, the Law of Assumption teaches you to assume that happiness is already within you. 

When you assume that you are happy, joyful, and content, you create the conditions for more happiness to flow into your life.

1. Assume Happiness Is Your Natural State

Many people mistakenly believe that happiness is something they have to earn or wait for. 

The Law of Assumption invites you to assume that happiness is your natural state of being. You don’t need external circumstances to feel happy—you can choose to feel happy right now, regardless of what’s happening in your life.

2. Focus on Gratitude and Appreciation

A powerful way to embody happiness is to focus on gratitude. When you appreciate what you have, you shift your focus from lack to abundance, which naturally raises your vibration. 

Start each day by listing things you are grateful for, and notice how your happiness increases.

3. Assume a Joyful Outlook

Adopt the mindset of someone who finds joy in the little things. Instead of waiting for big events to make you happy, assume that joy is available to you in every moment. 

This simple shift in perspective can transform your entire outlook on life and lead to more sustained happiness.

Law of Assumption vs. Law of Attraction

When I first stumbled upon the Law of Assumption, I wasn’t entirely sure how it was different from the more infamous Law of Attraction.

However, both are powerful in their own way.

While both laws deal with the power of the mind and its ability to influence reality, there are some key differences in how they operate.

1. Focus on Assumption vs. Vibration

  • Law of Assumption: The focus is on assuming the end result as if it has already happened. You act and feel as though you are already living the life you want.
  • Law of Attraction: The focus is on your vibrational frequency. You attract things that are aligned with your energy, meaning that like attracts like. The aim is to align your thoughts and feelings with the frequency of what you want to attract.

2. Mindset vs. Energy

  • Law of Assumption: It emphasizes changing your mindset by assuming the identity of someone who already has what they want. It’s not necessarily about feeling “high-vibe” all the time but rather believing in the inevitability of your desired outcome.
  • Law of Attraction: It focuses on energy and emotions. The goal is to maintain positive emotions and thoughts to attract what you want. You need to “match the energy” of what you desire, which often involves maintaining high vibrational emotions such as joy, gratitude, or excitement.

3. Belief vs. Attraction

  • Law of Assumption: Belief is the key. What you believe about yourself and your life will become your reality. If you believe you are successful, you will experience success. It’s about identifying as the person who already has what you desire.
  • Law of Attraction: It’s more about attraction than identity. The universe responds to your energetic frequency. If you focus on success and feel positive about it, success will be drawn to you. The emphasis is on attracting things into your life rather than becoming the person who already has them.

4. End Result vs. Process

  • Law of Assumption: You start with the end in mind. You assume the end result and live as if it is already true. The assumption itself creates the pathway for manifestation.
  • Law of Attraction: There is more focus on the process. You visualize, align your energy, and practice gratitude to gradually attract your desires into your life. The path may unfold step by step as you raise your vibration.

5. Conscious Creation vs. Subconscious Shifts

  • Law of Assumption: This law works through subconscious shifts. When you assume something to be true, it rewires your subconscious mind to support that belief, leading to actions and circumstances that align with the assumption.
  • Law of Attraction: It operates more consciously through your thoughts, feelings, and energetic output. By maintaining a positive mindset and visualizing your desires, you consciously create the conditions to attract those desires into your life.

Can You Use Both Together?

Hell YES! Ever since learning about the Law of Assumption, I’ve been combining elements of both laws to create powerful manifestations. 

You can assume the feeling of already having what you want (Law of Assumption) while also working on raising your vibration and attracting positive experiences (Law of Attraction). 

For example, you can assume you’re already successful and, at the same time, practice gratitude and visualization to keep your energy aligned with that success.

Final Thoughts

The Law of Assumption is a game-changer when it comes to manifesting the life you desire. 

Whether you’re aiming for success, wealth, love, or happiness, the key is to assume the feeling of having already achieved these things. 

By aligning your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your desired outcome, you’ll shift your reality in profound ways.

Remember, the power lies in your assumptions. If you can assume that your success, wealth, love, and happiness are inevitable, you will naturally start to attract the circumstances, opportunities, and people that align with those assumptions. 

The universe mirrors back to you what you believe to be true—so make sure your assumptions are aligned with your dreams.

By consistently practicing the Law of Assumption, you’ll find yourself living a life that exceeds your wildest expectations.

Sending you all so much love, good luck!

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Danielle Hu

Danielle Hu

Danielle Hu is a multiple 6-figure travel influencer, business coach, and Host of The Wanderlover Podcast. She has traveled to over 65+ countries running her online business and surfing in remote tropical destinations. Her mission is to help creatives and coaches achieve time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom through online entrepreneurship.

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Hi, I’m Danielle

My mission is to help you design a location-independent lifestyle through online entrepreneurship, to achieve time freedom, location freedom, financial freedom.

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