What to do if you can’t pick a niche?

Struggling to choose a niche in your business? In this episode, I walk you through questions to ask yourself in order to figure out what niche is best for you to move forward with. As multi-passionate entrepreneurs, it can be difficult, but definitely not impossible!

How do we choose a niche when there’s so many things we love to share about? This is a common problem I see clients, content creators and business owners face with their social media strategy. So this week we’re unpacking how you can choose a niche that not only aligns with you but also with your ideal clients or audience.

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Hello my loves, welcome back to the podcast. I am recording this episode from Rote Island, Indonesia, overlooking the clearest blue waters surrounded by nature. And so at peace, I think it’s really important for us as entrepreneurs to consistently be feeding our body, our mind, what it needs in order to thrive.

And that means listening to cues when something is off and finding answers for questions that you just can’t seem to answer yourself. And so today’s episode is answering one of our lovely Wanderlover Business Academy students question, and it comes from a place of overwhelm because you’re trying all the things, you are doing, all the things, but you’re just confused and you can’t make it work. So the question goes:

‘My niche is too wide right now and I can’t seem to narrow it down. I love posting about motivation, traveling, wellness, breath work, meditation, eating, well exercise, single mom, divorce recovery, and I don’t know what my niche is’

I’ve gotten this question many times through the past many years of business coaching, and I see this overwhelm, especially from those of you who already are on social media, but for personal reasons and then wanting to pivot into a business. I also see this in members of our community who are just truly multi-passionate individuals. They have so many different hobbies, so many different interests. They’re always learning a new thing. And when you want your social media accounts to kind of be around your life, you don’t know what is too much. You don’t know how much to share or how little to share.

And over time as you’re posting all of the things, it can seem a bit overwhelming to your audience. And as a creator and a business owner, you’re like, oh my God, how? How do I even begin to niche down on this? Because I just have so many interests. 

Understanding Your Business Model

So in this episode, I’m going to walk through exactly what you can do to find what your niche is and what your ultimate business and content creation goals are. I do think it’s important to narrow down exactly what you are building to get you to where you want to be.

And so first of all, I do want to distinguish the difference in social media between my clients who are content creators and my clients who are coaches. There is inherently a giant difference between the two business models. 

Content Creators 

As a content creator, you rely on creating engaging content so that you can grow your audience, so that you can have more of an influence on your audience and make money through collaborations, partnerships, sponsorships, and you are making money because of the size of your audience. And so when you think about it that way, in order to get a large audience, it takes more time, it takes more content to be created, it takes more time for growth. It takes time for you to figure out your unique style and see what your audience resonates with. It just takes time to grow as a content creator.


On the other hand, with my clients who are coaches, we start off with an offer. We drive traffic to it, whether they have a following of a hundred followers or a thousand or 10,000, we have an offer to begin with and we sell it to that audience. We then use paid and organic marketing to drive traffic to the offer. So you have the ability to monetize instantly or sooner instead of waiting for your following to grow and make money off of brand partnerships and collaborations. Of course, you always have the ability to blend the two, and we will get into that a bit later. Either way, we want to niche down. 

Why You Need A Niche

We want your audience to be familiar with your brand, with the type of content you produce, and be expecting exactly what you are about to produce. We don’t want it to be a surprise. What is she going to post about today? Is it going to be about meditation? Is it going to be about recovery? Is it going to be about travel? We want our brand to be super defined because this is how we are going to grow.

Choosing Your Niche As A Content Creator – The 30 Day Challenge

If you want to make it big as a content creator, and you want your main income stream to be from creating on YouTube, podcasting, Instagram, TikTok, whatever platform you choose, ask yourself what content can you document and create for 30 days straight without struggling to come up with content.

I see this a lot with aspiring travel content creators and travel influencers, and where they start hitting a wall is when they realize they can only travel for a few weeks of the year and they don’t have enough content to post in between. What this leads to is If. you choose to focus on travel, but you don’t travel full time or you can’t create content for 30 days straight or a year straight. You have these gaps. You have periods where you just have nothing to post and you can’t create content because you are not traveling. If we go through each of the topics, our original student listed in the beginning, I would ask, can you post 30 days about motivation, 30 days about traveling, 30 days wellness, 30 days, breath work, meditation, eating, well exercise, single mom, divorce, recovery, what would come easiest to you?

What would be something you can document throughout your day to day? Instead of every time you wanna post something, it has to be completely creating from scratch. 

Choosing Your Niche As A Coach / Service provider

Alternatively, if you are creating content from a coaching perspective. You wanna be asking yourself what is the product or service that you are offering your audience? For example, if it’s a three month coaching package, what is the point A that your audience is at right now and where are you going to help them get to as a point B? Ultimately, your content and your business is going to drive traffic to your money making offers. (Check out my other blog with tips on how to create content on Instagram to sell your services)

If that coaching package is around breath work, then we want to brand your social media, your online brand around breath work, right? We don’t want to offer a breath work service, but then have your entire brand be about travel and don’t be discouraged because it doesn’t mean that If you commit to one niche you can only post about that.

For example, I offer business coaching and my brand entirely is around helping people start and scale freedom based online businesses. But I still post about travel. I still post on my stories about the places I go to, what I’m eating, what my day to day looks like, and of course, I can integrate meditation, wellness, breath, work, whatever I want into this business niche. But most, if not all of my products and services are business related.

And so that is where the niche is. So ask yourself, what is your business and what are you trying to sell? How are you supporting your audience? And where is the money being made? Having a signature three month program is really going to help you with this. If you don’t know what to offer in three months time. What is the biggest transformation you can take a person from your audience through? Is it navigating their divorce? Is it navigating their recovery, wellness, breath work? Ask yourself, what expertise and what certifications do you have in each of these, right?

What is it that your business is offering? And like I said before, as soon as you have your first paid online product or service in my coaching programs in the business academy, we teach you how to use paid ads and organic marketing to directly drive traffic to those offers so that you get people signed up and more sales. Like I mentioned before. We can also combine the creator and coaching business models so that you are creating content, but then driving all of those new followers, that new activity to your paid offers. And I think that is where the magic happens.

By sharing authentically on social media, your most aligned community finds you. This is different from paid advertising where people are just getting a glimpse into your life. They’re not really interacting with you. But my most impressive and my most aligned clients have all come from social media. And the best news is the content you create – it’s organic. It is free to put yourself out there and market.

If you are a content creator thinking about monetizing sooner than just brand collaborations and partnerships. You can totally start building your own product and service around your niche.

Think From A Client Perspective

My last tip for you on choosing exactly what to brand yourself around is to think in the perspective of your ideal client or customer and how you can best serve them. This comes from you as a business owner, as a coach, as a creator, what would give them the most value? What is it that you are an expert on that you can share with them that would add value to their lives? But also If, you already have somewhat of an audience. Ask them. Ask them what they need and what they want to see from you and how your business can best help them do your market research.

Ultimately, your business is there to serve your audience, and once you find exactly what it is, not just what you think they need, but what they actually need, that is when you’re going to see the momentum because more and more people are going to be attracted to that transformational value that you offer, and that’s how you’re going to see more income and more revenue in your business.

If you are ready to choose your money making niche and see income in your online business within the next 90 days. I would love to invite you to the Start Your Business Intensive, where I coach you personally to do just that.

You can find details here and if you have any questions, my dms are always open. Have an amazing week, my loves. I am sending you all of the sunny tropical beachy vibes from Indonesia.

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Danielle Hu

Danielle Hu

Danielle Hu is a multiple 6-figure travel influencer, business coach, and Host of The Wanderlover Podcast. She has traveled to over 65+ countries running her online business and surfing in remote tropical destinations. Her mission is to help creatives and coaches achieve time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom through online entrepreneurship.

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Hi, I’m Danielle

My mission is to help you design a location-independent lifestyle through online entrepreneurship, to achieve time freedom, location freedom, financial freedom.

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