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Danielle: This week on The Wanderlover Podcast, we have JV Ortiz, founder of Six Figure Sneakerhead, the number one online platform for sneaker selling resources. He started his entrepreneurship journey buying and selling sneakers on eBay and has since scaled his online business to multiple six figures, hiring staff. So his work and income are completely passive. We talk about his journey, starting out with no experience and no money, how he validated his digital product idea, how surfing helps our businesses, and the online marketing strategies that worked for him to make tens of thousands of ebook sales.
Danielle: You guys know how I absolutely love the power of social media. Today we have JV in the actual physical room here. It’s crazy how we met, actually on Clubhouse. I just started with the app, were you on for a while?
JV: Oh, it was like my first, like one of my first days on it.
Danielle: JV joined my Clubhouse Room because the title was Hawaii, travel, surf, online entrepreneurship, and yeah, it was great to have you in the room. What you’re doing with your current business is amazing, and I can’t wait to dive into it.
JV’s Story
Danielle: How long have you been traveling for and doing this online entrepreneurship?
JV: I was living in New York in 2017. Yeah. So I left May 2018. I bought a one-way ticket to Thailand, and I’ve basically been traveling since New York while I was doing the shoe thing. Yeah. I actually never finished college, so I was kind of forced into it.
Danielle: Wait, so did you grow up in New York?
JV: No, I grew up mostly in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but when I started doing the shoe thing in Pittsburgh, I would actually go buy shoes in New York and sell them to people in Pittsburgh, and I made trips. Yeah. And I was like, I might as well all the way up to here, it’s like more active.
Danielle: Alright, so you introduced me to the concept of shoe flipping, and you are a sneakerhead, you used to be, right?
JV: Truthfully, I was never quite a sneakerhead. I just saw the opportunity. Well, I was always selling things for profit, I guess, but I landed in the sneaker arena, and I was like, “Oh my God, this is crazy!” Like a lot of money. Yeah, it’s insane. I was like, yeah, the first thing—’cause I was actually just filtering through eBay looking for high-end things, and I was going to start doing high-end watches, but that’s a lot harder. Then I found a $500 pair of Nikes, or I think there were a thousand dollar pair of Nikes, and I was like, “Those are just normal shoes to me.”
JV: And then I was like, “Why are they a thousand dollars?” I Googled them and I was like, “Wait, those were going for like 300 people or selling for a thousand.” I was like, “Whoa, people are making a lot of money on this.” So I was like, “I’m going to figure out how to do this.” So I did.
The Sneakerhead Industry
Danielle: Wow. And so what is the definition of a sneakerhead?
JV: So sneakerheads are shoe addicts, but particularly of like hype footwear. It’s more of like a hip culture, big city thing, like New York, probably the capital for it in the world, LA like close second, and certain cities in Europe. But it’s like, it’s only really Nike, like the Jordan brand, some Adidas models, and some other models here and there. But it’s just like hype footwear that’s associated with like celebrities and star athletes and that sort of stuff. So, Michael Jordan, of course, sort of started the whole thing, and also Kanye West with Yeezy—like those two combined, Michael Jordan and Kanye West with Yeezy, like they’re the two sort of, I would say the fathers of the whole sneaker thing.
Danielle: Yeah. And I remember recently seeing something on sneakerhead TikTok, and there are people with closets—have you seen them? Their closets are just like walls and walls and walls of sneakers, which I had no idea even existed. I didn’t know the extent of it. I’m friends with a few in New York, and I just thought, you know, they had a few pairs, maybe a little more than average, but some people are all out.
JV: Yeah. And you’d be surprised—they’re almost embarrassed to say how much everything’s worth, because I know a lot of sneakerheads who had, I mean, in New York you’d own a car, but like their collections were worth more than like a car would be. Or like people in Pittsburgh, their shoes were worth more than their car.
Danielle: Oh yeah. And it’s funny how, looking from the outside, you know, it’s such a first-world thing, but an industry that’s so niche.
JV: Yeah. Niche, but big. And I realize it’s a huge market—it’s like a five or $6 billion, probably more aftermarket, and yeah, it’s wild.
Danielle: And I’ve said this on my show before, but there are things in life that you know, things you know you don’t know, and things you don’t know you don’t know. And I can imagine a lot of our listeners here today, this is probably an industry that you didn’t know that you didn’t know—that it’s a $5 billion market and that people have inventory worth more than cars. What’s really cool is JV here—he spearheaded basically the Amazon of sneakerhead flipping. That’s what I’m going to call it.
JV: Wow. Yeah. Cool.
Danielle: Yeah, it’s an online marketplace, and he offers resources for people who basically want to do what he was doing in Pittsburgh between Pittsburgh and New York. I’m really curious to know how you came up with the idea and how you navigated from flipping to actually setting up the platform.
Creating An Online Business
JV: Yeah, so as my sneaker business was growing, I hit a wall where I knew I could make more money, but it wasn’t worth the work. I hated managing inventory, and I wanted to travel, but I couldn’t outsource. You know, selling shoes is something I had to do.
Danielle: Why couldn’t you outsource it?
JV: Well, you’d have to like hire people under you, and it would cut into your profits. I know some people that do that, but like, you have to do it on a huge scale, and you have to really trust the people because especially with sneakerheads, there are some shady characters. I actually had an interaction where I got robbed too, and it was so wild. There was gun involvement; it was so crazy. It was actually in Pittsburgh, but it was for like a thousand-dollar pair of shoes. So, I was just shook up by that, and I was just like, “I don’t want to be involved in this thing.” But like, it’s a good business, and everyone kept asking me, “How are you reselling shoes?” And “How’d you learn?” And I was like, “Wait, no one teaches people in a consolidated, like one resource.” I was doing, you know, like sorting through all these forums, watching YouTube videos, blah, blah, blah.
JV: I was like, “I’m just going to consolidate this into an ebook and sell that ebook.” So, yeah, that’s where I started.
Danielle: And you built your business only online. Did you launch your website when you launched the ebook?
The Ebook Formula
Test Your Ebook In a Small Audience
JV: Yeah, so here’s the whole formula, I guess. If anyone wants to start an ebook business, this is how I did it. It might not be totally directly repeatable in your niche, but the process remains the same. So, I started—test your ebook in a small audience that already has sort of a market. There’s an online money-making forum called Warrior Forum. They have an assortment of all different kinds of make-money-online, service, most like blah, blah, blah.
JV: And I knew there was a market for the sneaker reselling thing because I was actually really inspired by this kid named Benjamin Case, who was 16 years old at the time, and apparently his business was doing like a million plus per year in sneakers. Business Insider put a video on YouTube, and I watched it like the first day. I was like, “This is going to go viral,” and the week later it had like a million views. I was like, “Oh my God, people are going crazy. How do I become like this kid?” So I was like, “I’m going to write an ebook.” But since I didn’t quite have an audience, I was trying to spam YouTube comments like, “Yo, I wrote a book on this.” It wasn’t working. So I was like, “I’m going to find an area where people want to make money online, and they’re already actively buying.” For me, it
And for me it was Warrior Forum. So I wrote it, it took some time I wrote an ebook on like how to flip sneakers. And then I throw up like the little post on warrior forum, like their offer page. And I wrote like a little sales page about the sneaker market, how people are making money about it off of it. And talking about this 16 year old, who’s doing like a million dollars a year. And I was like, yeah, like I’ve done it. And it’s, it’s possible to grow to maybe not a million, but like you can make really good money doing it. And I put that offer up and in thinking like 48 hours, I sold like maybe four or five of the books for like $7 a piece.
Make Your First Sale
And I was just surprised it’s just from that one post. Yeah. And I was like, Oh my God. I remember like the first book that sold, it took maybe 12 hours, but I got a PayPal notification. I was like, no way someone bought my book. It was so exciting.
Danielle: Yeah I remember that instance too. For me, it was for my e-com store. I was selling online, and when you have that first sale, and this is what I tell my clients, when you make that first sale or have that first client, you created that sale from nothing like from a figment of your imagination, it’s developed into this business and now people are paying you for it. But that feeling is like the best feeling ever.
JV: Yeah, it’s about like, just taking action to do that first step in crossing to the point of the first sale, because what I, what kept me going with the sneaker thing. Cause it took me a long time to gain traction with a website, but was that I was like, okay, I’ve sold 10 of them. I’m pretty sure I could sell 10,000 because like these 10 people liked it and people are generally the same, like populations are general like, like music, for example, like pop music or whatever. It’s like thousand people like a song. The whole world would probably like a miracle like it. So I’m like, it’s just a matter of time before I continue to sell like a lot.
Scale Your Digital Product
Danielle: How did you scale?
JV: Yeah, so I started out, like I said on that forum, which I didn’t even have my website at that point. I just like, they have a, it’s like a third party thing. Like through their platform, you sell a book and you actually split it like 50, 50, like they’re profiting off like people’s eBooks. And I was like, I’m just gonna be independent in my own thing. And I came up with the name six-figures sneaker-head like, and I put up essentially what I had on the forum, which was like a post, which was like a sales page of like talking about the secret market. And then at the end there’s a buy here and I put up on WordPress and I used a plugin called easy digital downloads so like whenever someone bought my book, I wouldn’t have to like see that and like email it to them.
I started with that and I started a YouTube channel where I would just talk about general sneaker, resale advice. And that brought in a few sales here and there. And it was going pretty slow, but I was putting out a video every day. Like even when I was getting five views, 10 views and I was only selling with maybe one book a week or something just kept it going every day, every day.
And then I, after a few months of that, I, I was lucky enough to get press. I reached out to a guy who ran a side, whole soul podcast. It’s called and the website called side hustle nation. I emailed him cause he had talked about reselling sneakers before, but he clearly liked didn’t know much about it. And I was like, Hey, I see you’ve talked about sneaker reselling before. Like, would you like to have like an expert talk about it? Cause I’ve done it like this. And he was like, he got back to me really quick actually. And he was like, you know, it’s a bit too niche for my podcast, but go ahead, you could write a blog post about it.
And I was like, do you want like some sort of affiliate thing? He was like, no, just give a discount to my readers. But he was like, but first I need you to change your website from just this slight single sales page to have blog posts in there too. I was like just going to sell eBooks, but he was like, have a structure, like make up a logo and then have the sales page on the backend. I had no SEO. Like at that point I didn’t even really think about it.
Cause I was like, that’s too hard. But like, because of him, I started a blog, which now is the reason like I gain get most of my track that.
Danielle: Wow. Yeah. So he basically made it a business and not just the landing page.
Discovering Blogging and SEO
JV: Yeah, before it was like a landing page that I was just like, I’m just going to hustle my way to get people, to get to the landing page. Which, I mean, I guess everyone has to start with that in the beginning. Like you can’t afford that. You can’t just jump to the point where, Oh my God, I’m ranking on Google and people just come like that takes time
Danielle: And you probably have so much more content on your blog that rank in SEO than your one landing page one.
JV: Yeah, exactly. And it’s, it develops a level of trust too.
Danielle: Do you still, or did you write your blog posts in the beginning?
JV: I wrote all of my blog posts for like two years maybe. I kind of stopped with the YouTube thing, but yeah, I shifted to blog posts cause there was more attraction there.
Danielle: One thing that I admire from that story is just the persistence, like daily YouTube videos and getting five views. But just knowing that it was going to pay off because at any point you could have been like, you know, fuck this. I only have five views. I’m going to stop. It’s not working. And you did it. Like you kept going and new opportunities came up, like reaching out to that guy. If you hadn’t gone through it, that you wouldn’t have made that connection and wouldn’t have grown to what it is today.
Six Figure Sneakerhead Today
Danielle: So where is Six Figure Sneakerhead today?
JV: So right now I have like three different eBooks and most excitingly, I have a membership like a monthly membership forum and I no longer write any of my articles. I have a team of writers and I have a I’ve delegated like a lot of my tasks to like a team now.
I made a team around the website, there’s a guy that runs the forum. There’s a guy that manages the writers. I have the writers pay like developers and stuff. And it grew a lot.
Danielle: How big is your team?
JV: It’s like eight people. So it’s not huge.
Danielle: But it’s all passive. In the clubhouse room. I remember you being like, people ask me what I do and I have to be like, wait, actually I have this business that’s just running itself.
JV: Especially in Bali because I really inspired by Tim Ferriss and 4-Hour Work Week. And that’s why like, I, I got rid of like my, you know, the sneaker reselling business because it was too hands-on and it wasn’t, I wasn’t able to like travel or, you know, do that service stuff. So like one of the things he says is just delegate as much as you can, like whenever you can afford to do that. And so whenever my stuff was growing, I started paying people to write my blog posts. And what’s crazy is like at first, like I was super attached to making all of the money that the business came in and I was like, I should make as much as possible.
But then when I reinvested into staff, it grew fast enough that eventually like, you know, I was making way more, but delegating things and paying to delegate that it was, it was worth it.
Danielle: It’s almost like leverage or like investing in staff and having it grow exponentially. And it’s cool that it all took off in the past few years. Right? Like this is a relatively new business.
JV: Yeah. I published a website in November of 2016 and then it wasn’t really gaining traction until towards the end of 2017. And then yeah, I left New York in the beginning of 2018, one way ticket. I was like, I’m just going to live off it. I knew, like I said, those first 10 sales and no one complained. I was like, if I could sell 10, I could definitely sell 10,000. And I knew what I had was good. And I knew it was a good market and yeah, I was just like, I know people could use this.
Danielle: Yeah. Today at all my mastermind call, I gave an example of it being like a slow cooker. Like you are putting everything in and you’re not worried about what’s going to come out. You just keep at it, like keep at those avenues, keep at blog posts and YouTube and reaching out. And you just know that something amazing is going to come out at the end. But if you have any doubt, you’re like checking on it every five minutes or like giving up and not taking action every day and letting it just like raw there. And like with the lid open, it wouldn’t have grown to what it is right now, which is incredible that you stuck it out for a year.
JV: Yeah.
Danielle: And what has inspired you recently? I know you have mentioned before conversation about some practices to keep you on track, to keep you always thinking of new things. What do you find inspires you?
JV: So I’m at the point that my, my team and my readers and my customers inspire me. So yeah, they, they keep me motivated, like knowing that I have readers that are coming to my site, that some of them are paying customers. And then I have a staff who, one of my, the key members in my staff is a friend in Bali who if he wasn’t working for me, like he wouldn’t be living in Bali. Like I was able to, he was able to indefinitely extend the stay there when he’s from Sweden. And like, he, he wanted to live in Bali. But like, I mean, like I, my site was like the reason he feels like I employed him and you provided the lifestyle that he wanted. So I was like wow.
Danielle: That’s incredible. How long were you in Bali for?
JV: I think a total of like maybe 11 or 14. I forget. I think I was there six times, like 60 days at a time.
Danielle: Yeah. Same, like a day trip to Singapore. Yeah. Yeah. And I always feel like Bali reaches people or people reach, you know, going to Bali at the perfect time in their lives. Like how people always ask me, like, why did you spend so much time there? And it’s like the entrepreneurship, the co-working spaces. And just that feeling of you can do anything. If you just commit to it, you don’t have that fear that I felt like I had when I was working in corporate, in New York city where he thought so many things were impossible. You were living in a scarcity mindset instead of an abundance mindset.
Do you think you’ll go back?
JV: Yeah. This is actually crazy because I I’m going through the process of going back to Bali, like soon, like maybe next month. It’s a possibility. Yeah. So there’s that.
Danielle: Yeah. We’re definitely trying to go back to, you know, sometime this year, as soon as it opens, but it is a magical place. And I feel like so many of my business ideas have come from just meeting different people there too. And shifting the way I think.
JV: Yeah. I’d say Bali helped a lot with my business and the people I’ve met there and yeah.
Danielle: And working online, like having all of these systems and these passive income sources, the advertising SEO, like you learn from different people. It’s, it’s awesome. And it’s really cool how our pads are similar with like New York and Bali and then Hawaii. Do you have any advice for people who want to follow in your footsteps?
JV: Like I said, just start and then you have to find a way to test it with people actually handing you money somehow. So like, you can’t just like ask your friends, like it has to be strangers, like, cause it doesn’t matter. Cause I remember like I actually didn’t really even tell my friends about what I was doing with the website because I, you know, like they’re, they don’t know like no one knows whether or not your business is going to succeed other than the market, which is the world of buyers who aren’t biased. Like they’re, they’re going to buy it if it’s good.
So find a small way to test and also like make sure you have a really accurate understanding of yourself and your skills and also an accurate understanding of the world and how it is. And like, because I, I studied like a lot of psychology and like I meditate a lot and like I just had a haunch, like an insight that I know based on what I’ve seen, that I can plug into the world this way, which was like, you know, I’m filling the need of people who want to learn about sneaker reselling, and I know they’re going to pay for it. And I, yeah, I did it as more of a hunch and like even the SEO stuff, like I didn’t really have much of SEO strategy.
I was just like, I know I’m putting out good content. So like, if you know yourself as quality and you put out there and you test it small and beginning, and then you just persist. Like I said, if you can sell 10 things and like people like it and you can sell 10,000 of them, just keep at it.
Hitting Rock Bottom
Another thing I did is I, I mean, it was maybe stupid. This is why, like, I didn’t tell people. I was like, I, so I, I sold all the shoes I had in New York and then I completely stopped doing that. And then my online business, like six years secret, it was barely making like enough for me to live in like really cheap parts of Asia. So it was just sort of coasting like it. So I dropped my income drastically, but I lowered my overhead by going to Thailand. But at the same time I’ve made it so that like I had to, it had to make it work. Yeah. And I was like, Oh my God, I’m making like no money off of this thing. I’m like running out of money.
I’m like burning through my savings. And like, I was like, ah, but it had to work and it, thank God it worked.
Danielle: And I feel like a lot of people, even before they take that step there, they imagine their worst case scenario, which sounds like it’s pretty close to where you were like, you’re running out of money. You like, didn’t even know if you could survive in Thailand. And that makes you put yourself in a position where you’re like, it’s all or nothing like this has to, and you’re going to do things that are outside of your comfort zone that you wouldn’t even have thought of before.
JV: Yeah. And you learn so much about yourself too, about like putting yourself out of your comfort zone and you know, just really going for it and actually surfing the sounds so unrelated, but surfing, I swear helped me with my business. Not even kidding, just because like I watched myself progress from like a beginner, like pretty crappy surfer to like getting pretty good or like good enough to kind of handle myself in almost any surf. And like just watching how like malleable, like how, how much you can grow as a person in a certain domain and like being able to be flexible with your identity.
Stepping Outside of Comfort Zones
So like whether it’s certain. So I watch my is crazy. Cause like my, I mean, I guess it’s like a matter of, it was like a timeline thing, but like as my surfing progress, my business was progressing at the same time. So while I’m just like leveling up, because honestly I was like kind of like a mediocre, like bad surfer in Bali. But then I was progressing that came to Hawaii. I was like, well, I’m getting better. And then my business is getting better. Cause like surfing, what I learned mostly from it is like facing like whatever you fear, like head on like, and being able to deal with it. So like when it comes to waves and like, if they’re bigger waves, it’s like, when you’re paddling out there, you have to just like, you can’t just turn around because I would do that.
Something I like turn around rather than whitewashing tumbled and some of it too. But like, if you let the wave hit you and you’re like, wait, I dealt with that. And then you get used to like paddling out in pretty like hectic waves. And you’re like, Oh wow. I can handle that. That translates like your ability to, to like your stress tested. And then you find your mental boundaries. You’re like, wow. I used to be scared of like getting hit by a wave or wiping out or you know, surfing at this one spot and then you do it. And you’re like, Oh, it wasn’t so bad. It’s the same thing. Like in business when you’re like, Oh, I don’t want to make a YouTube channel. Or like, I don’t want to put myself out there on Instagram or whatever it is you want to do.
And then you do it. And you’re like, it’s not so bad. Like it’s same thing with like surfing. It’s like you do it and you face a fear and then you overcome it. So yeah.
Danielle: And that’s how you expand what you once thought was possible. Cause now you’re like adding or expanding that circle and you’re like, okay, I can do this and this and this. Yeah.
JV: And traveling too honestly helped a lot.
Danielle: And you had mentioned that like it was during meditation or just during your thoughts to yourself when you came up with this idea?
JV: Yeah. Definitely. Because people, that’s, another thing is like people you’re, you’re gonna want to have to yeah. Develop your own strong opinion because if you want to be unique and more successful, then I guess average, you have to like, you have to find something that’s beyond average and to be unique, you have to be sort of alone for a certain time to develop that unique perspective.
Danielle: Yeah. And if you are constantly surrounded by like the same people in this certain experience, you’re more likely to be influenced by them. So if you do have this wild idea, it’s more likely that not that they have ill intentions, but it’s like, they don’t understand it’s not their world.
JV: Yeah. And like I said, I wasn’t telling people about it early on because they just wouldn’t understand it. Cause also like my girlfriend at the time she, we were joking. I was like, I’m going to make all this money off this website. And she was laughing because she didn’t believe me. And I hardly believe myself. And like, it was funny though. She wasn’t criticizing it, but she didn’t quite see it. But I, and I just sort of kept it to myself as I kept going because you know, like you, cause the best you’d get is like, you know, people will be nice about it. But like I said, it’s not like your friends, aren’t your customers. Even if they do like buy your thing or whatever, it’s like, they’re not, it’s not giving you an accurate, like the patient of what the world will actually do.
Danielle: Exactly. So what’s next?
The Future of Six Figure Sneakerhead
JV: So I might be selling the website because once you get to a certain point of like delegating and removing personal brand from it and just having a system in place, like the team, there’s actually a pretty active market for people who want to buy those things. So I’ve been talking to a few interested buyers. I had one, I had a couple last year that I said no to. And then I was thinking about it more on like, yeah, I could, I could probably just sell it and get that under the belt and, you know, continue with either a new business or like some creative ventures, like, yeah.
Danielle: Awesome. And is there a reason why you’re thinking of selling it rather than expanding it or like launching new avenues for monetization?
JV: Yeah. So I guess I’m sort of lazy or I’ve gotten like kind of spoiled with my time and like in this it’s, it’s funny, it’s like the same thing with the sneaker reselling. It’s like I see the path to make more with it, but I didn’t feel like I was the one to do it with like the flipping shoes. Like I was like, I’m not going to do that. And then same thing with this like sneaker websites. Like I there’s so much, I turned down like affiliate relationships with like bigger brands out there, like apps, like it’s too much to manage. I’m not going to do it like, so I’m like someone who really likes sneakers and sees this as a good business. They could take the wheel of this business and make it even bigger.
But I don’t think it’s me. And like I’ve been doing for a few years. I’m like, I’m so removed from the sneakerhead world. It’s so funny because like, I think people would be shocked to know that I am the person behind it. Like some dude who just like serves Hawaiian, like whereas flip flops and doesn’t own a single pair of Jordans.
Danielle: It’s great that you have the self-awareness to respect how much you want to be working a week. And it sounds like with the four hour work week, it went down to like zero hours. And so anything that like, you know, intrudes on that time or requires more effort than what you value your time, if it’s easier for you to say no to.
JV: Yeah, absolutely. But I mean like, I guess I was saying in the beginning, it’s like, you’re not going to start with a four hour work week. Like I was definitely working hard in the beginning and everyone will. And so yeah. That hustle period, it’s always hustle and figuring it out and learning before you can like take a step back and be like, okay, this is how I want it to.
Push or Pull?
But honestly, like if you love what you’re doing, it’s like, you’re going to want to work hard. One thing I learned in business and even like with serving, cause yeah, like Danielle was saying I considered by surfing, like my full-time job. I was like, yeah. Cause literally I would surf like three to five hours a day, like be incredibly sore and go for like sometimes like 11 days in a row. And my whole life like centered around surfing. And, but I loved it. So like one metric I use that I guess any of you guys could use for your business is like, when you, when you’re growing it, like, do you feel like you’re pushing yourself or do you feel like you’re being pulled towards it?
Like if you feel like something is pulling you towards it, you’re going to work longer harder. And the push is like, if you feel like you don’t want to be doing it and you have to like be caffeinating yourself or like taking Adderall, you’re like, I have to, you’re like pushing yourself. Like you can take a bit of push, but that’s going to lead to inevitable burnout. But like if you’re pulled, you’re not going to burn out. And you’re more likely to get to the point where you can step back and turn more of the like for work.
Danielle: Yeah. And I resonate with the surfing cause I gladly surf every day. But then sometimes we live on top of this giant hill and I see people running up the hill and as I’m passing them and just like, you can’t pay me to do that. Like if I had to train for a marathon of that hill, like that’s definitely a push. Whereas for surfing, you know, I’ll drive really far distances and like lug my longboard just to get in the water. And you overcome all of those hurdles that come with it because you’re so focused on making it work that you don’t think, Oh my God, I’m spending so much time. You know, it cold weather getting into my wetsuit or that doesn’t matter to you at that point. You’re so pulled to it,
JV: Even with traveling. Cause like if you talk to, because we’ve both traveled them whatever. And there’s things that people don’t even consider and people can overthink like, cause once you commit to doing it and you’re pulled towards it, you don’t worry about the why as much or the how to, or whatever. Cause people will be like, what are you even packed to Bali? Like how do you even get a visa? Like what do you like? Like the logistic, the minuscule logistics, like you’re you clearly, like, you’re not confident enough in your decision if you were thinking too hard about it.
Danielle: Yeah. That’s a really solid piece of advice and it applies to like any part of your life, right? Like not only business, but your extracurriculars or your friends or your relationships like listening to your gut and just going with what pulls you. I love that.
JV: Absolutely.
Danielle: Well, this has been an amazing episode. Thank you so much for being on the show.
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