Attract Dream Clients Using Your Brand Story w/ Patricia Banuelos

In this episode, I interview Patricia Banuelos, a Brand Storyteller, Content Creator, and Momentum Mastermind graduate. We discuss the power of your brand story in business, and how exactly to hone in on yours to attract dream clients. Wondering why it’s so hard to come up with content for your business or why every time you launch you hear crickets? Let’s get to the bottom of it. Tune in!

This week I talk with Brand Story Teller and Content Creator, Patricia Bauelos. We learn how to use the power of your brand story in business (2:44), aligning your brand story to attract your dream clients (11:12) and how to know when to change your brand story (15:11).

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Hello my loves. Welcome back to The Wanderlover Podcast. I’m your host, Danielle Hu. Today we are interviewing special guest, Patricia Banuelos, Brand Storyteller, Content Creator, and recent graduate of momentum mastermind from New Zealand. Pat helps heart centered women of color make more impact through their story and content creation. And I’m just so excited to dive in today to help all you listeners Attract Dream Clients, Using Your Brand Story. Welcome to the show, Pat!


Thank you so much for having me here today. I’m so excited to talk with you.

Why Patricia Started her business


Can you tell us a little bit more about your business and why you started it?


Yeah, so originally when I came to you, I was a social media manager. I heavily focused on content creation and I was kind of like the virtual assistant. And I remember coming to you and I was like, Danielle, I don’t know what to do. I think like, just talking it through with you. I already had these ideas going through my mind of what I actually wanted to do with my business. So I wanted to pivot a bit and I want to focus still on working with female entrepreneurs. But I noticed that I wanted to focus deeply in storytelling, brand storytelling and heavily focusing on content creation because that’s my passion. And just even talking with you as well.


I realized that I absolutely love empowering women of color. So that’s a huge step in my business. And that’s what I’m all about right now. So that’s where I’m at.

What is ‘Brand Story’


That’s amazing. And for those listeners who maybe are unsure of what their brand story entails, can you give a bit of background, like what exactly is your brand story?


So brand story is basically you can highlight different parts of your story throughout your whole life or then your business. And so what I do, for example, with my clients, we highlight very pivotal points or transformations in their business. They got them to the business that they are today and we, we beautifully story tell that to their audience and it, it just hits people on a different level and it like develops a very strong know, like, and trust factor with the audience, which other types of content can’t really create. So that’s what it’s really all about.


Yeah. And it’s so powerful when you can evoke emotion in your audience through social media and that’s, I think what is so great about authentically sharing and showing up online, but really honing down on your brand story. Right? Because then people can resonate that they feel, and that’s what leads people to sign up with you or buy.


Yes, absolutely. And I also think like, just jumping off of that, they absolutely feel like this is the person for me. This is that this person aligns with me my values and I want to support them, or I just want to work with them. They just have this very strong connection with them in the end. And it’s just like such a magical thing from there, like for both people. So that’s why I absolutely love about it.

Patricia’s Brand Story


And can you share a bit about your stories?


So growing up, I was brought up in a very mixed political environment. So there weren’t too many Asians around me and I, you like even watching on television there, weren’t a lot of people to look up to and like deep down, I always knew from the start, I want to be someone that people can look up to. So from that very young age, like at five I’m here, I have to do something. Something is so impactful for other people, so they can look up to me and they, they can know just like you, like, I can do this. Yeah. So from that very young age, it just started to develop. And I started to like experience more things like just simply noticing on TV.


Like the only person I could look up to was Lucy Lou. And with some of the things like, I want to see more like Asian people, like colored people, lon TV and also even just dipping into different like businesses or like masterminds. I realized there weren’t a lot of colored people and I didn’t feel like there wasn’t much representation. So if there is not much representation, then who’s going to want to step out of their comfort zone, make impact and so on. So I remember there’s this one hostile mine. And I experienced someone say something sort of negatively on Filipino people.


And I was like, I need to do something I need to, I really want to empower other Filipino people and other colored people to step into their story and really just own that because we’re so powerful on our own. So, you know, like we are here with like just amazing as well. So that really pivoted me into my business idea today. But yeah, absolutely. I absolutely love working with women in general, but I always like heavily want to empower women of color. So


Yeah. I don’t love that so much because you, yourself, you stepped into your power and you recognize, you know, if I want to make an impact, I need to show up and I need to put my faith, my persona, my personality out there, and that’s scary. Right. But that is exactly what is needed for other people to look up to you. And I feel like you do it so well because you are so clear on your own brand story so that when you show up, it’s just so easy. It’s so aligned. You’re not questioning like, oh, who am I? Like, what am I supposed to more so certain on your brand story, everything else just flows. So naturally, you know, while you’re in business, you know who you want as clients and you know who to show up as, and that’s why you attract your dream clients.


Yes, absolutely. And it’s not just focusing on women of color, but I noticed that when I focused on this very like important aspect of my business business, I realized that I was attracting all the like-minded women just like me and they want to support other women of color and other people that are like supporting foundations and so many, many, like beautiful things that other people wouldn’t be thinking of. So it’s just, just a beautiful flow really.


Yeah. And I’m just so grateful that we connected, like, even that comment about Lucy, Lou, like, you know, I grew up and she was the only person I can relate to too. And it’s so humbling to know that I’m not the only one who felt that way. Right. Like we are connected because we’re both showing up online. And also just so funny because I absolutely love the movie Crazy Rich Asians. And there’s like, oh,


Oh my goodness.


That like, it’s all Asian cast. And it just makes you feel like seen all because those actors and actresses showed up fully, they like broke PLAs ceilings and barriers, and we are doing the same. You are doing the same. And this is just such an aligned path for you.


Yeah, definitely. Actually that does something that I was kind of curious about. Thoughts, your story, like what got you to where you are today? Really?


So I was in corporate finance and I went to like a good university and I studied economics and I worked in corporate and I quickly realized it just wasn’t for me because in college I liked backpacked and I traveled and I studied abroad and having like limited vacation days, just wasn’t cutting it for me. And I saw other digital nomads and influencers like working from co-working spaces and Bali. And I was like, that’s what I want to do. And I know that if I continue on this path of corporate, I’m not going to get there. I also read a few books that I recommend to everyone, the four hour workweek by Tim Ferriss, millionaire, Fastlane by MJ DeMarco, completely transformed my mindset and what I thought was possible with my life.


And I was like, I need to do something different. And entrepreneurship spoke to me building my own brand, spoke to me. I was working with a lot of hotels and I was drop shipping and doing Amazon FBA. But I think I really stepped into my power during COVID when travel shutdown and when people lost their means of living. And I was like, you know what? I can utilize my social media and online business skills and help other people make money online so that you can have more of an impact basically like my mission, helping other people and those people helping other people. It’s just this whole effect.


So yeah. And that is where I am today. I just came back from a surf off air. It’s old. Yep. Find a quiet corner in my room to record, but you know, what done is better than perfect with like, so for me, because I’ve said it so many times, and I’m just so clear with what has led me here, it just leads into flow for daily content creation. I know what’s supposed, I know who I want to attract. Our last group of momentum was literally like my dream clients all in one and just so grateful every day that I was able to form that group and continue like attracting those people.


And it’s all because of my brand story.


Absolutely. I highly agree with you though. And just not with, just with that, like you’re showing perfectly who you are on social media. You’re not like faking anything you are showing up just as bright as you are like right in front of me, you know? And I think you’re definitely attracting the right people because you’re portraying it that way as well. And yeah.

How to know if your brand story is unaligned


So what does it look like? Or have you had an experience with clients where their Brand story was not aligned? What are some pain points that they might feel when they’re not clear on their own story?


When clients aren’t aligned with the brand story? I noticed that they start to really struggle with their marketing and social media. So I noticed that they’re not really able to convert clients or Attract Dream Clients. And a lot of the times when I do talk to people that I first come across, they say, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but I’m attracting all the clients. I don’t want to work with them. Like maybe it should go back to the foundation part of your work and then work backwards from there and see w who are you actually targeting? And what are you showcasing online? Because it can be so different from like your intention of what you want to do in comparison to who you actually want to attract.


So just those really like no conversions and attracting the wrong clients. Those are the most common to the IC.

Embodying yourself, for your business


And why do you think that is, if you were to explain why they attract the wrong clients, do you see any trends or like the reasons why that happens?


The most common reason I see is they’re not fully existing. They’re not fully embodying who they are as person. So whether they’re not showcasing their values online, as simple as that, that’s so simple things so strong, but people underestimate showcasing that online. And yeah, I think that once they don’t like embody all of them and be as authentic as they can, then they’ll start to come across these problems and challenges. Yeah. Like, just as you were saying before, it just comes naturally to us, Emily start to naturally attract ideal clients, just how you attracted people in the mastermind, just as who you are.


And I think when you aren’t certain in who you are, you communicate fear and uncertainty, and you’re more susceptible to imposter syndrome to copying what other people are doing and not creating your own frameworks and your own business, and constantly looking for answers from other people.


Yeah. And I just noticed just from that as well, like as simply as saying that they do start to follow the next trend instead of staying in like their own framework and building from that, because that really does attract and repel the right people. So if you stick to your own, instead of like following the concentrations, then you’re going to find something so much more beautiful and something more meaningful in your businesses as well.


And you can probably attest because you create content for other businesses too, in that regard, like when you have a clear guidelines to follow, like these are the values, this is what emotions I want to evoke. Then all the content will relay all of those values. Right. And ultimately like us as business owners, we want to do the same. Like even if we do hire someone don’t outsource, we want it to be the same process, the same emotions. And we can just hand it off to someone. This is what I want to buy and go over, like, you pick up your phone and you’re like, I want to post on Instagram today.


Oh, but what’s, should I do, should I do like a trending reel and add a video of my dog? Like, what do I do instead? It’s just so clear. This is my messaging. These are my services. And this is who I want to show up at.


Absolutely. You hit it on the head.

How to change your brand story


I’m curious. Have you ever experienced a dis-alignment personally with your brand story and if so, how did you change it and how do you feel about your brand story now?


So at the start, I think because I started my business during COVID lockdown, I was coming from a scarcity mindset. So I realized that my story was coming from that sort of side rather than what I really wanted to do. And I found that I was attracting very like low ticket clients because they were also in the same mindset that I was. And I didn’t realize that I was putting that kind of like brand story out there. I didn’t even consciously realize what kind of actions I was doing until I really started to hone in my brand story today. But then yeah, that definitely heavily affected the type of clients that are getting, because I realized that they’re quiet, like high maintenance, or they would accept, they would want things like ASAP.


Or then those start to be very antsy because they’re in a scarcity mindset. So it was reflecting what I was reflect out. But yet that’s where I was at the start, like two years ago in comparison to now.


And what prompted you to change? What made you think like this has to stop now? I need to do something about it.


It would definitely be from that one mastermind call the one with the Filipino situation thing. Like if that was one of them, but then also just realizing I wasn’t attracting the right people that I wanted to attract and work with. I wanted to work with flow. I want to work with ease. I want to work with my dream clients, but I knew I had to change something. So that’s when I simply became more of myself and showed up all of myself online. And I magically just became who I am today. And I didn’t realize what I was doing as well within looking back, I was like, damn like, so that’s what I ended.


Like I just stay true to myself and this is what happened. I got all the high-end clients. Everyone’s like a dream to work with and it’s just getting better really.

How Patricia helps clients align their brand story 


Oh my gosh. I love that for you. How do you currently work with your clients? Yeah. How can our audience members work with you right now?


Yeah, so right now I have content containers, like open for one-on-one clients. I basically only open out full five people per year at, So I Mexico capacity. And then I go through like VIP days, which is like a one day or one week of one-on-one coaching with me for content. But yet right now I’m developing a lot more things. So if you keep up with the space and you’ll find a lot of other offers.


Yeah. And I absolutely love the idea of an intensive to get your brand story down and also create all the content around it, which is what you’re an expert at. And I know like all of your clients really value your work because it just takes such a huge burden and workload off of their shoulders. But I’m curious in your private coaching programs, how do you hone in on someone’s burned soil? Let’s say they’re starting from scratch. How do you go from a to B?


So if you, if you find that you’re struggling with your content creation, your brand story, client conversion, or the types of clients that you’re working with, we have to go further into your brand story framework. So basically we go through your ideal client and we pinpoint who that person is. And we go through like, what are their pain points? What are their pleasure points? Like what you talk about as well. And we go through the whole, that whole process and see like where they are at a new journey. Like when they’re in a cold, warm or hot leads sort of situation. And we find a way on how to kind of convert them.


So that’s like the very start. And then within that, we also do like little pinpoints. So like we just kind of take them on a journey and we, we take them on a journey, like by not only telling our own brand story, but also telling our client’s brand stories, because those are so essential and important. And it’s the same, those transformations as well. That is just something that highly converts a lot of people, like, even in a few of my other launches with clients, those are the most that converted like different people. So yeah, that’s basically what we touched on, but we really highly focused on your ideal client.


What, who is that person really? Because sometimes we tend to forget who that is, or then we think it’s someone, but it’s actually someone else. And when you find that alignment, then everything becomes much easier. You can develop your content creation much, much more easier that way as well. And you start to like come up with all of these ideas on like how to educate them, how to keep them aware, how to get them through like a lead generation, like funnel and all of these different things. Just start to like click. So then I take you through that whole process and then you can eventually do it on your own.


That’s incredible. And is this all included in your six week program?



Finishing Up 


Amazing. If you’re unsure how to show up, if you don’t know what your brand story is, if you’re hearing crickets every time you launch and you don’t know who your ideal client is, head up Patricia, she is an expert at this. Where can our listeners find you?


So you can find me on my website. So and on Instagram @patriciabanuelos_ … that’s it for now. So just keep your eyes peeled.


And honestly, it’s been incredible watching your transformation in a few short months and how many people you’ve impacted simply by showing up and owning your own brand story. So I think that is just so powerful because you walk the talk and now you’re helping more and more people do the same. So you’re a rockstar.


Thank you so much to any, I wouldn’t have been here without you honestly, if it weren’t for that one goal mapping meeting and those tears in the room, like this is it, this is where everything’s changed. So it was all thanks to you. Really.


You are such a sweetheart, it was an honor supporting you in watching your growth. And I just can’t wait to see where the next few months where your business takes you and all the opportunities coming your way.


Thank you so much.


If you are listening to this episode and would like to join our next round of momentum mastermind, sign up for the waitlist here. Thank you so much for being on the show, pat and sharing your wisdom with us.


No, thank you. Honestly, pleasure.


Have an amazing week guys.


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Danielle Hu

Danielle Hu

Danielle Hu is a multiple 6-figure travel influencer, business coach, and Host of The Wanderlover Podcast. She has traveled to over 65+ countries running her online business and surfing in remote tropical destinations. Her mission is to help creatives and coaches achieve time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom through online entrepreneurship.

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