Have you ever wanted a sneak peak into the life of a serial entrepreneur? This episode I talk with mother, owner of two co-working spaces, interior designer, web designer, and yoni steaming practitioner, Amy Ilic, about her journey into entrepreneurship (1:40). We also cover recognising your talents (10:00) and how to research your ideas to confidently take a leap in a new direction (20:16).
Find Amy on Instagram:
Kelp Co-Work Ericeira: https://www.instagram.com/kelpcowork
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Audio Transcript
Danielle (5s):
The Wanderlover Podcast was created with a mission to enable travel and freedom through
entrepreneurship. I’m your host, Danielle Hu business mentor, content creator, and founder of the wander
lover tune in every week for episodes about travel online business, social media, and mindset that will
inspire you to take massive action towards living the life of your dreams. If you’ve been enjoying The
Wanderlover Podcast, if you’ve been tuning in and finding inspiration and taking away value, it would mean
so much to me. If you could take a second to leave us a review on apple podcasts, I continue to record
these episodes for you every single week and take all of your comments and feedback to heart.
Danielle (52s):
Thank you guys so, so much. Hi everyone. Welcome back to The Wanderlover Podcast. This week on the
show, we have special guest Amy Ilic, creative entrepreneur with a background in hospitality, anthropology,
and human centric, commercial interior design. She is the founder of Kelp co-work where Ragz. And I have
been working out of an Ericeira and she has another coworking space in Brighton, UK. After becoming a
mother, her focus shifted into the wellbeing world where she works with mothers in their first year of
mothering and Yoni steaming practitioner. Now she offers other creative entrepreneurs support and bringing
their business baby to life. Clearly, she is a serial entrepreneur who has successfully married all of her
worlds and all of her passions.
Danielle (1m 36s):
Welcome to the show, Amy.
Amy (1m 38s):
Oh, thank you so much for having me. I’m really happy to be here.
Danielle (1m 41s):
We’re so excited to dive into all of your world when exactly did your entrepreneurship journey start.
Amy (1m 48s):
Yeah, I was just thinking about that. And actually, I mean, it started as a kid with my parents. My dad is
Serbian and he comes from a really poor background and he started being a businessman when he was
very small with those shoes, walking around trains selling eggs. And he would tell me that story many times
as a kid. And it was very ingrained in me that you have, he was always asking me, what’s your business
idea? What’s your business idea? And that was his way of making business and putting a mark on the world.
So he grew from that to actually being a millionaire in England, owning multiple restaurants in London. It
started there.
Danielle (2m 29s):
So I can definitely see how that environment and that mentality of I can do this, right? Like you don’t have to
be born with the knowledge of what business you want to start, but constantly thinking about, okay, what this
is. Can I start, how can I make this something that’s really aligned and living into that, it’s just really obvious
how now you’re able to have businesses around everything you’re passionate about.
Amy (2m 51s):
Totally. And I think there’s a lot of judgment, I guess, around changing and, you know, changing course, but I
really feel that there’s seasons in our life and we have to keep questioning like, is this still aligned with me?
And I’m either adding in businesses or, or changing course or having the same umbrella, but it’s really
important to keep checking in on yourself. And, and also when something’s not flowing and something’s not
working, cause I’ve had many successful businesses. It’s so important to talk about the failures because you
know, those were my teachers and those were my lessons and it’s really important to be like, okay, it’s not
working, it’s not flowing. It’s been this amount of years.
Amy (3m 31s):
I’m going to close that down and start something new.
Danielle (3m 34s):
What would you say were your different chapters of your entrepreneurship journey and where are you now?
Amy (3m 39s):
Yeah. Okay. So I started in the hospitality business. So me and my brother and my younger brother opened
a cafe together and early twenties and then okay. In the UK and Britain and it was called organic moments
and there was a very sweet little cottage kind of stole a cafe. And I mean, looking back, we were in our
young twenties, we were so naive and we got this loan and then my dad was really helping us on the side
because of all his knowledge in the hospitality world. He had all these restaurants and I can see now that it
was actually just fulfilling his dreams and not listening to my voice. And we just worked so hard and I know
the systems got so bashed and we got very tainted by the whole thing.
Amy (4m 24s):
It was a really hard experience. And so then after that we traveled, we, we, we actually sold it to my dad and
he still runs it like many years later, 20, I don’t even know really is. Yeah. And it’s changed names and it’s
changed concept, but it’s still there and he’s actually grown a little chain of it.
Danielle (4m 46s):
So up his alley.
Amy (4m 47s):
Yeas, exactly. Exactly. So we went traveling and soul searching and that’s where, sort of the whole wellbeing
essence kind of started growing in me, you know, traveling in Thailand and Mexico and all that kind of thing
and doing lots of yoga retreats and fasting and all that stuff in your twenties that you sort of explore yourself
and just get to know yourself. And then I, I got together with my partner and we started designing together.
So he was a designer already. I was studying anthropology. So I was really interested in people and why
they do what they do is the essence of anthropology. And then I, but I, I was always into design, but I’ve
never had a form training for me.
Amy (5m 34s):
And so we decided we started a design, we designed a restaurant and then we designed another restaurant.
Then we started designing co-work spaces and cafes and shops and then online spaces and brands. And so
we started audit design. Then I had a baby and then it all changed again, you know, cause it seasons of life,
it’s like, that felt like my maiden, you know, like out in the world, free loads of energy. And then the
motherhood phase came in and I just came really into myself. And again, just question like, what do I want,
my time became super, just I had less time. So I had to be really, really particular about what I put my energy
Amy (6m 17s):
So yeah. And then that changed.
Danielle (6m 19s):
And how can you tell when something is draining your energy, do you feel it physically? Is it like mentally?
How are you? Self-aware enough to be like, Ooh, something has to change this. Isn’t working. Okay.
Amy (6m 30s):
I love that question. Thank you so much for that. Oh, get tingles. Yeah. I’m so about that. And like, I know
that you’re into human design as well and reflect us. So I really feel people’s energies and I have to like
release them every night, but it’s just like a tension in me of when something’s not flowing anymore. Or I
know that it’s not working. There’s this fake there’s attention. There’s like this exhaustion from it because you
can work really hard every single day for something and feel energized by it and still feel tired. But it’s like a
really different kind of tired. You go to sleep, feeling really fulfilled and happy and you have a good night’s
sleep and you wake up the next morning feeling refreshed and ready to start the project again.
Amy (7m 13s):
And when it starts really draining me and I start feeling very, yeah, just like, I don’t want to go there. You
Danielle (7m 21s):
Like a dread,
Amy (7m 22s):
Like a dread I’m like, like it’s not flowing anymore. And there’s this tightness in me and my nervous system
feels a bit fried.
Danielle (7m 29s):
And then how do you believe in yourself enough to make the leap and pivot into a new direction? Yeah.
Amy (7m 37s):
With so much self-reflection. Yeah. And you go through a lot of like ups and downs with that, because there’s
so much shadow that comes up with that kind of thing, because society has projected completely that you
should choose your things, stick to it. And
Danielle (7m 52s):
I’m retired, retired,
Amy (7m 55s):
And now things have changed completely within my world. And we can really reinvent ourselves. And there’s
definitely a shadow in me. That’s like, Amy, you need to be consistent. You need to stick to one thing. And I
have kind of umbrella it myself. But within that umbrella, I like to now play in the playground, but it’s working
through the shadows and then, and then say I start something and I, and the shadow comes to me. I have to
really look at it. And instead of sort of shying away from it and going, no, no, no, that’s not for me. I have to
differentiate whether that is a block that I need to work through or whether it’s just that touching that I was
talking about. And that’s really a hard one to differentiate, but I feel like it’s actually quite easy now because it
comes, it comes from a different space.
Amy (8m 38s):
It feels, it feels good once you pass it.
Danielle (8m 41s):
Yeah. And you’ve done it a few times. Exactly. So you know what to expect and how to differentiate. Okay. Is
this something I have to work through or is it something that I need to like shy away from?
Amy (8m 51s):
Totally. That’s
Danielle (8m 52s):
So cool. And what’s fascinating is you entered so many different industries. It sounds like in your
entrepreneurship career, from hospitality to design to the online space, how do you approach all of these
quote unquote business models? Do you go in there with complete knowledge of how they work? Do you
learn from other people? How do you make it work for yourself?
Amy (9m 16s):
Interesting. So with the hospitality, it was ingrained in me because I grew up there, you know, waitress from
a young age, getting tips one pound, you know, from Goldman and all this kind of thing. So that was kind of
really ingrained in me and business talk was just the only talk we had at the dinner table. Like it was very
much …
Danielle (9m 34s):
Amy (9m 35s):
In a way it was cool, you know, and in a way it would have been cool to have a bit more, you know, openness about things.
But that’s my only relationship with my father business.
Amy (9m 44s):
So it is like, I really celebrate that part of it, but that’s all he knows. It feels like, and he lives and breathes it
because it was his savior. He really was. And he is so proud of where he got. And I, now I look back at hisSO
story and I’m so proud to then have that lineage as well, how far he came from. So that’s all. So that was just
ingrained. And then the design one, I mean, I was just a creative and my partner was a designer and he just
kept, I kept helping him with things. He kept asking for my eye for things a lot. And then I’d, then I’d basically
be designing and he’d be moving the mouse around. And then slowly, that kind of then became, you know,
with the interior designer, I was like, well, but I’m not trained.
Amy (10m 28s):
Can I really do this? And it was like, well, let’s just do it. Let’s just do it. And so, yeah, I’ve not had the formal
training, but one thing I would say is that I always wanted to study art and that there was always a block that
said a childhood block that said, you have to study something that is technical excepted no more I was going
to society. So I wanted to study something that was somehow you had knowledge, let knowledge base, but
anthropology is just somehow more, even though it’s still a little bit artsy, it’s, it’s somehow more accepted,
like by, by my, with my background.
Amy (11m 10s):
So yeah, there is that small regret that I never studied and went into that pub that, you know, from 18, I
always wanted to go into art school and I never did. I did study a little bit here and there. I went to all
foundations, but I never went further.
Danielle (11m 25s):
Do you feel like your life would look differently now if you had?
Amy (11m 28s):
I think I would have really focused on design and art and making and all of that world right from the
beginning. And I really listened to that. So absolutely. And like, you know, at 18 I was going to go to
Falmouth and then I decided not to, and then I went to Brighton art college and then I went to a weaving and
textile college and I, I kept putting it into my life, but I never listened to that big voice when I was younger to
just go to art school. I studied photography for two years. Like, there’s all these little nuggets of like, ‘Yes!
Feed me, feed me!’. So yeah, there’s, there’s that, there’s the conditioning and the blocks that we have to get
past and relisten to that.
Danielle (12m 11s):
Yeah. At what point in your life where you, at a point where you reflected and just knew that you should have
done something different or that was your heart versus your brain.
Amy (12m 22s):
So the design stuff, for sure, as soon as I started doing that and Dave, my partner was, was like, well, why
don’t you team item? We team up. Why do we do this together? But like you and your partner, you know, it’s,
it was like someone giving me validation and believing in me. And of course he was just my partner. So there
was less than if someone else was giving you a job, but it just gave me permission to play and do it. And it
felt really fun. And
Danielle (12m 48s):
Yeah. And like knowing you is seeing you in your life, seeing Kelp, it’s just so apparent how this is a talent
that you possess and it trickles into everything in all of your businesses right now. And you have such a gift
like you guys have probably seen my stories, my reels of the coworking space and people have been like,
this is the coworking space of my dreams. And it just radiates like from all of your talents and the way you
see life. So I love how it all aligns into everything that you’re doing right now.
Amy (13m 23s):
Thank you so much. And I do think health is kind of like, it kept them what I’m doing now with web and
branding kind of marries those two worlds together. So with Kelp, I did my trainings in postpartum care and a
lot of it was nervous system regulation and, and being true to yourself and caring for yourself and others and
actually the foundation of that, of motherhood. And the way I help mothers is to find community. Because
once you have community, your nervous system is happy. We need other people to feel like, feel safe in the
world. And so having a coworker, just literally the foundation has community, then I really, I really need
beauty around me all the time environment is really important.
Amy (14m 9s):
And so we made the space beautiful and we have the events and it just feels, yeah, it feels like a fun
playground to play.
Danielle (14m 16s):
Yeah. And I think it’s really cool how you kind of tackle this new project with such confidence and knowing
how exactly to bring it all together to make that idea a reality. Yeah. Because I think having a physical
business, especially like, even for me, it’s daunting to think about like, how do you find this space? How do
you get like toilet paper? Like so many things you have to think about in a physical space, but you don’t
seem to be overwhelmed by that.
Amy (14m 44s):
Oh, there are points where I feel overwhelmed for sure. And I think me and Dave have our own roles. And so
I think the space seems so easy to open because the design was like, yeah, easy, fun. We’ve done a few.
Co-works like, we’ve designed a few. Co-works already obviously with a different budget. Cause it was our
own budget at this time. But still like it, it felt fun. And finding the space was really easy. We found spaces
before it was, I’ve opened actually two cafes before. And then it was the, the bit that really gets me. And also
the website’s easy, the branding’s easy and the online stuff, but the, all the legal staff, the bureaucracy or
Portugal, that is the part that we’ve burned a lot.
Amy (15m 26s):
And then just learning new things like booking platforms. And it’s a whole learning curve, but actually
opening the place was two months of like grind. But then it flowed like you want to do when you, the steps to
take. And that is because I had done, I had been in those fields before and I’ve opened spaces and designed
and, and all the experiences didn’t go to waste. You were able to integrate it all into this new business
Danielle (15m 46s):
Chiming inhere really quickly to remind you, I have a FREE MASTERCLASS, how to build a successful online business that allows you to travel the world. This is how I operate the Wanderlover and have multiple streams of
income all online. Over the past four years of full-time travel in this exclusive 40 minute masterclass, you will
learn how to build your online coaching, creative or service-based business. Choose your profitable online
business idea that is unique and aligned without getting stuck in paralysis by analysis.
Danielle (16m 26s):
Start the money flow in your business without needing a hundred thousand followers and grow your
community and audience on autopilot without having to post on social media every day you can register in
the episode description. And I will see you inside now back to today’s episode. Why, why Eddie Satta?
Amy (16m 46s):
Yeah, actually we really didn’t want to live in a setup. We really didn’t. We came when we came about four
years ago in a fan and we stayed kind of in Centralia, which is like 10 minutes from Ericeira by the beach.
And we popped in terrorists there and we only stayed on the outskirts and saw the high-rise buildings. Like
this is such an ugly town. Why, why are we here? We don’t want to move here. And then when we were back
in the UK, looking for places to live, Ericeira just kept popping back into our fields. You know how that
happens when you’re just pulled somewhere, but you have no idea and you don’t desire. And I was like,
look, I’m a full-time mom at the moment. I’m with Juniper the whole time. I want international people because
I don’t have the language under my belt yet.
Amy (17m 28s):
Let’s land there and then see where it goes. And we landed here and we got into the old town and it was just
so beautiful. And I actually, you know, shed some tears. I was like, wow, this is the place like, it’s beautiful.
There’s a community here surfing, like Dave’s massive surfer. And he needs something in his life. So it had
to have surf and yeah, community surf weather
Danielle (17m 48s):
Ticked all the boxes, really take
Amy (17m 50s):
Some courses next to Elizabeth and like a really thriving creative city to get inspiration from.
Danielle (17m 55s):
And you traveled in a van with Juniper when she was one.
Amy (17m 59s):
Oh, we didn’t actually travel in the van. Oh yeah. We, we just had a holiday environment here and we
brought our van over here and we traveled a little, I had like lots of holidays.
Danielle (18m 9s):
Yeah. It’s such a community oriented place. I’ve been telling my friends. It’s kind of like the Bali of Europe
toast with coworking spaces with surf and just like-minded individuals, you know, when you go to a place
and you’re like, I have my own business. And then everyone’s like, oh my God. How like tell me. And it’s like
a new thing to them, but then here, everyone works online. They’re digital nomads. And there’s not as much
Amy (18m 37s):
How is it to be around so many people doing so many different things that get you. And don’t you question
like what you do, you know? That is so I absolutely love that about here. And I sort of talked to my friends
sometimes back home and it’s just, so there’s such a different kind of life. It’s very nine to five, like where I
come from with, with, with my friends back there.
Danielle (18m 57s):
Oh, interesting. Has that ever influenced any of your mindsets or thoughts as you went from business to
Amy (19m 6s):
Yes. That’s where the shadows came up because not, not only not for my friends, cause I love my friends
deeply. And then my light sources as they know me so deeply from such a young age, but I think we’re, we,
it was just sort of the indoc- indoc -?
Danielle (19m 23s):
Amy (19m 25s):
And like almost like into the system of study and then get a job and make, and then it’s nine to five and then
you can end your drink on the Friday night, you know, British culture. And then Sunday you’re dreading work
on Monday. It’s very much that hamster wheel that I was in. Although at the same time I wasn’t because I
was in Brighton and I don’t know if you’re a Brighton, but it’s a very creative city, but very like town village
vibe full of the most colorful people, like very creative, like vintage shops everywhere.
Amy (19m 56s):
Like everyone’s so unique. It’s like the gay capital apart from Manchester, it’s really like vibrant and artsy. So
there was, there was that influence as well. So,
Danielle (20m 6s):
So you were able to see both sides and you weren’t completely like, oh, what should I do?
Amy (20m 11s):
No. I came from my mom and dad, which do not have that Entrepreneurs themselves. So,
Danielle (20m 17s):
And have you seen it the community or in coworking if someone comes in and they know, so they’re in your
position where they know something creative is drawing them in. They know that there’s other people, a new
group of people who are kind of in the hamster wheel and they’re not sure how to go about it and where to
go. What would you recommend to someone who is feeling conflicted? And they’re just not sure. They’re not
at that point where they’re confident to make the leap. Maybe they didn’t grow up with an entrepreneurial
background and they don’t have that community. Yeah.
Amy (20m 52s):
Wow. I’ve never thought about that actually. But I think like, it would be almost like too, I like romance ideas,
so I take them on dates. So if I have an idea, I don’t jump into it straight away, but I really need to read
months it for at least a month or maybe two, just like, what
Danielle (21m 8s):
Do you mean by
Amy (21m 9s):
That? So like, I literally like get completely immersed in the world as if I am that person. So through
research, through
Danielle (21m 17s):
Listening to podcasts
Amy (21m 18s):
Or reading blog posts, I have that kind of personality where I get really obsessed with things. So it’s almost
like I would do a course in a month just for my own research if you know what I mean. And, and then yeah,
journaling and all that kind of thing. If it still feels good,
Amy (21m 34s):
Then maybe just dip a toe or dip like a foot and like start Instagram or start a podcast or start a little website or
something that doesn’t cost you. Anything just like use it as your playground and just romance even more
and just try it. And then you’ve got nothing to lose because you still want your job. You saw your income
coming in, but you’re playing in this other field. That’s kind of really unknown to you. And you’re exercising
your brain to think in a new way, which is hard. It takes a lot of time for those neurons to like fire. Yeah.
Danielle (22m 6s):
And I love what you said about you find the podcast, you find the books and the resources because they’re
out there, right. Even though they’re not in your frame of reference right now, you know that the deeper you
dive there’s communities out there, there’s people who think in the way you, what you want to think. And it’s
up to you to take the actions, to find that community and dip your toes in
Amy (22m 28s):
A hundred percent and you don’t need to actually study anything, even though you can. And that is very
empowering. And I love studying things, many things, but actually you don’t need to because there’s so
much information out that depends what you do of course, but you can really? Yeah. B, B teacher.
Danielle (22m 45s):
Yeah. That’s beautiful. And yeah, I think one of the main takeaways just from speaking with you is your
gung-ho ability to just go straight into what makes you light up. I feel like maybe over time as you’ve pivoted,
that fear just goes away. You’re not like, oh my gosh, what if I can’t do this? Like, should I even it’s like, if it
lights you up, you let it sit for a month. And then you’re like, yes, I’m going to open a coworking space. I’m
going to start my new online business. Like with almost no fear.
Amy (23m 22s):
It’s I, I I’m, I’m receiving that. And I’m thinking about it because I’m really at the point now where I think
there’s the five years since having Juniper, it has been the most movement because, because my time is so
important to me. And actually recently in the last like three months, I’ve really refined my goals. Very like so
potently and I’m standing behind them so strongly. And the values that my decision making is so much
easier, whereas before my goals were kind of a little bit blurry. So as soon as I got those goals, like really like
tight in my head that like is my fuel for what I’m going to put my energy into because at the end of the day,
it’s just energy management.
Amy (24m 5s):
So when I was working, when I am, sometimes I still sometimes work with mothers, but it feel, it felt like I
wasn’t getting resourced enough. And I’m in the season of my life where I have a young child myself. And so
I was doing the web work as well. And, and it just flowed and I got more income and I felt more like my
nervous system of karma doing what work I was also behind, like behind a screen, which is also really like
settling for me sometimes because I work in a co-work I see people all the time. So it’s also nice to have
some downtime, Pinter screen. I see. I’m sure you
Danielle (24m 39s):
Can. It’s like your little safe to sleep. And I’m curious, how have your habits or your personality and
boundaries as an entrepreneur changed before you had Juniper and then after, how do you see yourself as
an entrepreneur?
Amy (24m 57s):
Hmm. And what do you mean how I see myself as an entrepreneur?
Danielle (25m 1s):
So you think you’ve changed in the way you navigate and own businesses?
Amy (25m 6s):
Yeah. I feel like I’m way more refined. Like I know what I want more, so my boundaries are so clear. Yeah.
First of all, physical boundaries, cause I have to drop off Juniper at and I have to pick her up or she’s with
me or whatever. So that’s like a, a physical boundary that is there and, and a, and a rhythm also. And then
energy hygiene has been a real thing for me. So like checking, like emptying myself out at the end of the
day, all the energies I’ve gathered and the deli, and then in the morning, like checking in with myself and, and
starting my day with the right energy and just like, yeah. Having some hygiene around it. Yeah.
Danielle (25m 46s):
And it also sounds like you have stricter boundaries and you almost want to like set an example for her, the
way that, you know, you don’t want to let your child traumas affect you to this day. You want to like, look
within, you want to live out your passions. I’ve worked with parents in the past. And I just noticed that how
they think and how they run their business, they don’t give into their limiting beliefs. Right? Like they don’t
make excuses. They act from a place of integrity and from confidence. And I don’t know if like it’s the child or
like having a child, like I can’t speak from that experience, but I can totally see how your priorities would shift.
Danielle (26m 27s):
And it makes you almost like forces you to make more empowered decisions with your life.
Amy (26m 32s):
Absolutely. You just said that so well, and also there’s just this little tiny mirror, just walking around that time.
And it’s like also the responsibility of not putting your crap on to them because you then become so aware of
those shadows that I talk about blocks. And I want to be the best example for her as well because kids learn
from example. That is the main way they learn best until seven. Not through anything you say, like what
literally go over their head. They don’t care about words. It’s literally what you do. I will do. So when they do
something out of like, you know, it’s something that you don’t want them to do. It’s like, actually, what have I
done to show her that like, what have I, me and Dave, how have we modeled say love or respect or any of
those things.
Amy (27m 18s):
So, yeah, I really, really, she, she definitely aligns me back into what’s important in life actually. And time it’s
just time and connection is probably the most important thing in life. Like if I’m 90 and I look back on my life,
I’m going to think of the people I’m going to be thinking of the people in the time I spent with them.
Danielle (27m 41s):
I love that. Cause I think some of our listeners when you’re just starting your first business or like an online
business setting boundaries is hard, especially when you can be so giving with your time and your energy.
And if you’re like in your early twenties or mid twenties, or like you have trouble setting boundaries because
you come from a corporate world and you don’t know how to do that. And you want to over deliver to your
clients. It’s almost like, okay, put yourself in the position. If you had a child, two kids, like how would you set
your boundaries done?
Amy (28m 10s):
Totally. So like for instance, I, I’m creating a WhatsApp group for this online container that I’m doing and I’m
setting very strict office hours for it. And before I’d probably be, be like there 24 7. And I wouldn’t even say I
wouldn’t voice that. Whereas now it’s really very much 10 till four. And I was like, I first I said nine to five. I
was like, no, no, no, no 10 to four, because that’s when I can really be present. So that’s the physical and
other physical boundary for sure. And also not replying to emails in the middle of the night or just before I go
to bed or things like that because it ties the out. And I know that you do promote, wake up in the middle of
the night, things like that.
Danielle (28m 48s):
Yeah. And incorporating those boundaries. It actually allows you to have more energy to serve your clients
the best way possible. For sure. Yeah. I’d love to hear about this community that you’re hosting. The one that
you just mentioned where you have.
Amy (29m 3s):
Yes. Yeah. Well, so basically when I got these goals just super clear in my head, I suddenly was like, I really
want more web clients. Like I work with Squarespace specifically. And, and with, within people, people come
to me from a holistic world, creative entrepreneurs, all the people that basically I am. So I really understand
them. And as soon as I made that decision work just started flowing into for me. And that’s another thing that
I feel when I feel like I’m on the right path. It just kind of flows a little bit more. And then this collaboration
came in with Lauren, her name’s Lauren Baba, and she’s amazing. And we basically become like best were
mirrors of each other in terms of where we are in terms of bruise with our businesses.
Amy (29m 49s):
And yeah, we’re creating like this on-time online container called home and it’s, we’re actually also creating a
website for it so that we’re, we’re going to be a design agency together, basically wild fields and home is
going to be home is going to come out in like four weeks, I think. And it’s going to be an online container
where people are going to come and there’s going to be like a foreplay stage, a preconception stage, a
gestational stage birthday, and then postpartum. Oh wow. Because we both work with it with mothers and
we’re both fathers. We really are like the same people with different personalities. And we have such
knowledge in the whole mothering world, caring world, nervous system, worlds, meditation, and yoga and all
that thing.
Amy (30m 34s):
And married with our skill with design and branding and coding and all that kind of thing. And so we basically
want to come and show our, like, share our skills, really handhold people’s businesses to come into the
world, but also like, so they can actually escalate the ideas and really get to the essence of what they want
to be sharing with their community rather than, oh, your brand has just these colors. It’s actually not about
that. It’s really about, really about getting to the essence of who they are because the brand is just them. And
really like that takes a process that takes meditation. That takes mindfulness, that takes shaking out all the
old conditionings. So we really want to, it’s not just about building their own website.
Amy (31m 15s):
It’s really about like, it’s, it’s like spiritual work, you know, we’re really going to be midwifing these businesses
into the world.
Danielle (31m 22s):
Yeah. And it sounds like you’re giving them permission to see themselves wholly without any, you know,
thoughts from society or conditioning, but really showing up fully so that they can show up for their business
and their clients fully as well.
Amy (31m 36s):
Yes. And to see that it’s like a hot business and it’s part of them and I’m very much, and this might be a bit
too we’re for your, for your people, but I’m very much like into speaking to your business entity, like actually,
like it’s got its own personality. I meditate with my businesses. I literally call upon them. And I ask like, what
do you want me to do today? What actions do you want me to take? Because each of them have their own
personality. I just tune into each of their personalities and get, get really refined.
Danielle (32m 3s):
And that sounds like it’s just makes it so much more aligned. So you’re operating from each entities best
interests instead of almost blanketing. Like this is me and I’m going to just blanket work on everything I’m
working on. Exactly. Oh, I love that. So how can people work with you right now? What services are you
currently offering in all of your businesses?
Amy (32m 26s):
So mainly I’m really now focusing on home and if anyone needs, if anyone wants to basically a home health
handheld process of building their own website on, I think that business we’ll be doing that and it’s only own
container and it’s a group container. I also do. One-on-ones where I do their branding and Squarespace site.
And, and I do Yoni steaming, which is really like the, the, the other part of me. But
Danielle (32m 55s):
It’s what does that
Amy (32m 56s):
Mean? What is the,
Danielle (32m 58s):
I’ve never heard of that
Amy (32m 59s):
Really? Oh, okay. I need to speak to you more about this, but it’s basically a, like a embodiment feminine
practice where you sit on top of a steam stool. Okay. Or squats up on a stool with hubs. And it’s really
amazing practice to balance your cycle and release. I mean, this is a whole new conversation. Yeah.
Danielle (33m 23s):
Release an episode just on your
Amy (33m 27s):
Release, like stagnation and get things flowing in a really healthy way. It’s really great for fertility. You
postpartum after you’ve had a baby, but also just a monkey practice for women to have. Oh
Danielle (33m 38s):
Yeah. And where in your cycle do you usually seem?
Amy (33m 42s):
You can do different kinds of plans depending on what your aim is. But generally speaking, if you’re not
trying to have a baby it’s like good to do three days before your period and three days after, or once a week,
if you’re not trying to.
Danielle (33m 54s):
Yeah. Oh, I love that. I definitely need to look into that. And you do that here.
Amy (33m 58s):
I do it here. I do it online. I’d give online plans.
Danielle (34m 1s):
Okay. Yeah. And where can our audience find you?
Amy (34m 5s):
So either on Amy alleged design.com or Amy And it, oh, no. Moon womb. I’ve recently rebranded moon,
womb.com. And then for home, it’ll be wild fields dot code and then Kelp Co work.
Danielle (34m 19s):
If you guys aren’t Eddie’s data, the coworking space to be, and I’m happy to answer. We’re happy to answer
any questions you have about your Ericeira trip about working, finding community here. But I will link all
of your links in the episode description, but Amy, it was amazing having you on the show and just talking
about your entrepreneurship journey. You’re such a light to the world.
Amy (34m 43s):
Thank you so much for having me
Danielle (34m 46s):
You’re so well, and I’ll see you guys on the next episode and have an amazing week.
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