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My Miscarriage Story and A Lesson on Surrendering

My Miscarriage Story and A Lesson on Surrendering

TW: Miscarriage. Today’s episode is a vulnerable share about my miscarriage in January and how I’m navigating the whole situation. I took a few months off the business and finally feel back to my normal self again! Recording this episode has felt like a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders.

Miscarriages are so common and not talked about enough in today’s society. They are still somewhat of a taboo topic and I want to change that narrative. Sending you so much love if you are going through something similar, you are not alone 🤍

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5 Ways to Create More Joy in Your Life

5 Ways to Create More Joy in Your Life

When my clients work with me for business coaching, many other parts of their lives like relationships, happiness, and fulfillment, change for the better as well. Adding joy to your daily routine enhances your overall well-being, and we must make it a habit to do so. But living a joyful life takes intention, practice, and the desire to do what makes you happy. Do you have that desire? In this week’s episode, I share 5 ways to holistically invite more joy in order to change your mindset and life!

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